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![]() The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century Church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God's will in all things. NEW
Our class in Spiritual Gifts got off to a good start last Sunday. This class is a part of our evening worship service. I believe you will find this study to be biblical, clear, easy to understand, personal, and helpful. There is even an exercise to help you find your personal gift or gifts. Plan to come tonight and regularly to allow yourself to grow and understand what the operation of the spirit in the life of a Christian means. FAMILY NEWS
PROGRESS. The basement is finished, and furniture is being purchased and classrooms are being decorated for our growing children's classes. If you have some items at home that could be used to decorate the classrooms, please contact one of the ladies so we can make the area attractive for our visiting kids as well as our own children. The growth in our children's class attendance means we are going to need more teachers. There is a lot to learn in teaching kids, but we have people who have had experience and can help. Volunteer to be a part of this vital work. FAIR EXHIBIT. We have a confirmed space at the Cass County Fair again this year. It is the first week on August (1-6) and all of us need to be involved. Save that week on your calendar! This is a great opportunity to let our neighbors know who we are and what we are about. Plan to be a part of it. TODAY'S LESSON Luke 10:30-37 WHAT'S YOURS IS MINE, SO I'LL TAKE IT. Verse 30
KEEP IT. One of the basic
commandments--why? Basic sin is greed.
Many forms of stealing exist Stealing with computers
Cheating on taxes--Romans 13:6-7 Taking credit for another's work--1 Corinthians 3:6-9 Damaging someone's reputation--Proverbs 22:1 Verses 31-32--Selfishness
SHARE IT. Who is worse--the thieves or the
Priest and the Levite?
"Satan is OK with God's people just doing nothing bad as long as they don't do much that's good." James 4:17 Matthew 25:31-46--Goats versus sheep Verses 33-37--Compassion
WHAT'S IS YOUR VIEW OF LIFE? John 4:7-9--Our prejudices cannot
control our care.
Makes Luke 10 that much more
Genesis 4:9 "Am I my brother's keeper?" Yes! This is not a mandate to waste what God has given us. The Samaritan takes care of him--Acts 2:44ff. Acts 4:32-37 Acts 5:1-5--What did Ananias and Sapphirea do wrong? Evolution tells us "survival of
the fittest."
The strong survive--I'll keep
mine, take yours.
2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Materialism--Whoever has the most toys, wins. Your view controls how you treat
your mate, friends, kids.
Your view controls your response to God. It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the role of mothers. In honor of our mothers, here are some memorable quotes: