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![]() We are a group of believers who simply try to follow the Bible as a guide for all we do. Everything done in our worship service is something we have a Bible basis for. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you wish. We will sing hymns together and we will observe the Lord's Supper or Communion together. We will also have an opportunity to give to the work of God in this area. This collection is for the members here, and if you are visiting you should not feel any pressure to give. Our lesson time will be divided into two groups. The young children will go to our classroom area in the basement where they will be taught the Bible at a level they can understand. The adults will stay in the auditorium for a lesson at an adult level. We do try to serve the community, and if you have some needs that we can help you with, mention it to one of the members. Thank you for worshipping with us. FAMILY NEWS
Potluck and Planning Session. Today is our monthly potluck. If you did not bring anything, do not worry about it--we always have lots left over. Plan to stay and to be a part of our planning session after the potluck. See page 4 for more details. Work on facility. You will notice that new folding chairs have been purchased for the fellowship area. We have also contracted to have a new furnace and air conditioning system installed in that area for our fellowships and public programs. That should be done by the end of June. Greg Sterling and Adrian are traveling for a month in Hong Kong and Europe in connection with his work for Notre Dame. Karl Marcussen leaves Tuesday for Hawaii where he will join his son Jim as a guest on Jim's aircraft carrier as it returns to California from its recent deployment in the Persian Gulf area. Julie and Ginger will join Jim and Karl on the 13th. Audrey Gibson is having a struggle to walk, and has been in some pain. She has been out to every service, but she is struggling with leg problems. Keep her in your prayers. We have a number of folks struggling with ongoing illnesses. Be sure to see the Marcussens for the up to date list of those who need our daily prayers, cards, and thoughts. TODAY'S
Note: I will MAKE--God would make.
MOSES--From weakness to wonderThe gospel is a gospel of change. Change only happens to the willing I WILL ... You WILL. Spoiled Egyptian prince
Exodus 2:11-12--Kills an
JONAH--from escapee to evangelistExodus 3:1-14--God tells him what is possible. Moses throws out excuses--verse11; 4:10 Hebrews 11:27--"He saw him who is invisible" How do you see
the invisible?
Hebrews 11:6; Hebrews 11:29 Do you see the invisible? Jonah 1:1-2
Jonah tries to run away from God
(verse 3). Do you?
PETER--from reed to
rock God rescues Jonah--Jonah 1:17. God calls Jonah a second time--Jonah 3:1-2. Jonah does what God calls him to do--Jonah 3:3-4. Matthew 26:69-74--Peter denies
Christ three times
PAUL--from persecutor to preacher.Jesus forgives Peter--Mark 16:7. You think you have done something
Acts 2:14-47 Acts 9:1-2
YOU -From
God gets Paul's attention--Acts 9:3-9. Acts 22:16--It was Paul's
decision to make.
Galatians 1:13-24--Three years before he launchs out.Why are you waiting? Takes time to
grow: Moses--40 years; Jonah--3 days in solitary; Peter--3 days.
Romans 1:16
Are you willing to let God change you and your life? Acts 2:38--"Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins WILL be forgiven. And you WILL receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." NOTE:
Today after the potluck meal
together, we are going to have a decision session. What that means is
that we as a congregation need to make decisions about plans for the
future. We will have a new furnance/air conditioner for the fellowship
area completed by the end of the month, and our facilities downstairs
are now functional. The following items need to be decided and
operations need to be started.
1. Bible School/Children's worship. Cynthia Clayton has been taking care of teaching the young children on Sunday mornings during both Bible Study and worship. The Claytons will be gone the last two weeks of June and much of August and late September. We need to establish a teacher schedule for the vital business of teaching our children God's word so that they learn every time they come to this building. A coordinated curriculum also needs to be put in place and accommodations need to be made for all ages. 2. Areawide singing. Every year we try to have a time when we have an areawide singing with all of our sister congregations in the area in attendance. This is a good time of fellowship, but it also puts us in contact with former members and relatives of Christians who live in the Dowagiac area and are not in attendance anywhere. We usually have some food and fully utilize our facility. This year it would be helpful for us to let people tour our food pantry and the new facilities that we have downstairs. We need to decide if we want to do that this year, and if so when. 3. Cass County Fair. For the past two years we have had a booth in the Cass County Fair. This is the most effective and least expensive advertising technique that we have available. It puts the Church before the people of the area, tells them what we have to offer and how we serve, gives us a chance to give them something to take home with them that will keep the name and address of the Church before them for the future, and lets us greet people on a personal level. We have used the same booth for both years, and it is time to change it. One suggestion has been to have our large banner that hangs over the booth say "THE M-51 CHURCH OF CHRIST INVITES YOU TO COME BACK." Our three panels would then tell them what we invite them to come back to. One panel might say "TO GREEN CHRISTIANITY" and then in smaller lines explain that Green Christianity is the Christianity of the first century and explain what that is. A second panel might say "FAITH IN GOD AND IN THE BIBLE AS HIS WORD." The third panel might say "TO PEOPLE WHO CARE." These are just ideas. Bring yours to the meeting this afternoon and let us get the work started on this project. |