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![]() We live in a difficult time. Unemployment, the recession, attacks on the family, attacts on raith, war, politics, and national uncertainty are concerns we all have. There are many ways of dealing with all of this, but one of the strongest tools we have, many ot us have abandoned. We all have a need tor spiritual support and encouragement and many of us are without that. Today is a special day for all of us who worship regularly here at the M51 congreagation. We are having a special day of worship with a special singing. This is a time in whcn we have many friends and visitors from the area join us as we sing hymns, songs, and spiritual songs together. Thank you for joining with us in this. We hope you will be encouraged and uplifted by this time of unity and focus on spiritual things. FAMILY NEWS
Keep Larry Fox in your thoughts and prayers as he hs his surgery on Monday. Be sure to get the prayer list from Julie or Karl Marcussen of other concerns that are ongoing among us. If you have not gotten a copy of the "Idea Sheet" for next year's fair booth, be sure to do so. We want your thoughts and input as to what we should do next year Remember that we are coming back to the building this afternoon at 2:30 to get things set up for the singing tonight. We need to set up tables and chairs, get serving tables lined up, and make final preparations for our visitors. TODAY'S LESSON
There are many misconceptions about baptism in the religious world and secular world. BAPTISM IS NOT A RESPONSE TO A PREACHER. Preachers
are a tool--Acts 2:41.
IS NOT AN INITIATION. Paul was thankful he did not baptize--1 Corinthians 1:14 Ephesians
IS NOT A FEAR INDUCED ESCAPE.Acts 16:30-33--Note the urgency Hell is
not used as a club by letter writers.
2 Peter 2:4 and James 3:6 are only references. Jesus used hell as separation from God. Matthew
18:2-5--A baby cannot be baptized.
IS NOT A MEANINGLESS RESPONSE.Matthew 19:13-14 Matthew 25:31-46--Adult events are described. We are not
baptized just because God says so.
BAPTISM IS? Baptism is always stated with a purpose--Acts 2:40. Our means
of contact with the blood of
Christ--Revelation 1:5; 1 John 1:7;
Hebrews 9:11-10:18.
A death, a burial, and the start of a new life--Romans 6:3; Colassians 3:9-10; 1 Corinthians 5:17; Revelation 21:5 This past week has
been unsettling to secular America. After a rather
incredible display of wrangling among national
politicians, the stock market went through
contortions, which left many people wringing their
hands. Human attempts at security and prosperity
are doomed to failure because of the very nature
of humans. We have been engrained with a "Survival
of the fittest" mentality in which everything is
competition and looking out for your own interest.
In the midst of all of this national and international turmoil we find ourselves somewhat detached from all of the political gymnastics, and yet realizing it does affect us. Unemployment, taxes, high gas prices, business failures, and people moving from place to place all have an effect upon us. Our relationship with God is the one area where we have peace and the promise of relief from all the cares that life forces upon us. Jesus talked about leaving peace with his followers (John 14:27; 16:33), and the letters are full of discussions of peace (see Romans 1:7; 2:10; 3:17; 5:1; 14:17-19; Phillipians 1 :2; 4:7-9; etc.). In 1 Samuel 16:21-23 we see music used to sooth a disturbing spirit that was troubling King Saul. In the New Testament we see singing of a hymn was a part of dealing with troubles and stress (see Matt 26:30). Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 included singing with having God's Spirit active within Christians as they struggle with the problems of life. This evening our emphasis will be on singing. We will be able to join our voices not only with one another in the family here in Dowagiac, but with brothers and sisters from other congregations in the area. This is a time of unity, of support, of positive thinking, of focusing on God and what is really important in life, Whatever struggles you have had this past week, here is a time to be free of that stress and trouble and feel the unity, love, common purpose, and emphasis on what is good and right in the world without having to think about what is wrong. Come and be a part of this--you will be blessed. Remember this starts at 5:00 p.m. tonight and we will have some light food and some fellowship after the singing. Prayers for our efforts. |