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![]() The family of God here at Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the Church of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God's will in all things. FAMILY NEWS
THANKS. I want to thank those of you who came to Lagrange this past week, and supported our lectureship program with the brethren there. Lagrange was a major financial contributer to the work here when Gary Johnson was working here full time. They have been strong supporters of our efforts, and it was good that we could help them in their outreach to the community and their own members. The congregation there normally has 70 to 80 people in Sunday morning worship, and they have a VBS every year than runs well over 200 people. We had over 120 people Sunday morning for the worship service and lots of visitors. The support you gave by coming to the series was greatly appreciated by the brethren there and by me personally. John Clayton BUSINESS MEETING. We have a need to discuss some things relative to the future work here at Dowagiac. We need to agree on our next outreach to the community, whether we want to work toward a full-time paid preacher, have a special campaign, and/or participate in the city festivals. We also need to decide whether we want to keep getting Gospel Minutes or whether the message it sends is not appropriate for our community and the money could be better spent elsewhere. After the Potluck, October 2, we will have discussions of these items, and we need every member of the congregation to be here and give your input to what the future holds for this congregation. Plan now to be with us. TODAY'S LESSON
2 Timothy 2:15
Sabbath verses the Lord's Day
JESUS LIVED AND DIED UNDER THE OLD LAW.Exodus 31:13-18; Deuteronomy 28-29; Colossians 2:13-14 Luke
23:39-43--The thief on the cross
After the Church was establish it is different Acts
10:2-33; Acts 16:22-34
1 Corinthians 16:2-- History
A PARABLE IS NOT A COMMAND OR DOCTRINE. Revelation 1:1--Encouragement Luke
16:19-25--Is a parable in the midst of
not pray to Abraham.
Hell is not a torture chamber; it is
separation from God Proper names have meaning. "Lazarus"
means without help.
5:20; Revelation 2:11; 20:6, 14
Matthew 10:28; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Jude 12 Judges
COMMANDS. Matthew 5:33-37 Judges 19 1
Corinthians 11:20-22; Acts 2:42-47
Cultural practices are also not
commands. 1
Corinthians 11:4-15--Long hair versus
short hair--see verse 16.
The commands of Christianity which are
outside of culture. Foot washing, fasting, going to the temple--Acts 21:23-6 Belief;
Repentance (Romans 6); Confession;
Baptism; Living example
We as a nation just
celebrated the tenth anniversary of September 11.
It was an emotional time for many of us. In
addition to all the recession problems and the
economic problems of Dowagiac, we have had to deal
with the realization that it is relatively easy
for the security we take for granted in this
country to be taken away from us. While all of
this is unsettling, there are some good things
that have come from the horror of this event.
September 11 has made us realize that things are not as important as people. As I have read through the accounts of people who lost family members, I have felt some of the heart wrenching pain that they have in knowing they will never see their loved ones again. What a blessing it is to still have those we love close by. Allowing the petty problems of daily life to dull our appreciation of that is a major mistake. Thank God if you still have those you love available to you to call, to hug, to talk to--and do not let things or pressures of the modern world take that away from you. Those of us who have lost a loved one in recent years can tell you that each day needs to be treasured and cherished. September 11 has emphasized the beauty of the teachings of Jesus Christ and of His Word as revealed in the Bible. In our world in which tolerance is emphasized, there has been a tendency to divert attention from the root cause of the terrorist attacks on the free world. We are thankful for our peaceful friends and neighbors who are Muslims, but the fact is that the Koran does teach violence. It is hard to miss this in statements like "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters" (Sura 9:4-7). "Make war on the infidels who dwell around you" (Sura 9:122-5). "Fighting is obligatory for you" (Sura 2:216). Contrast those statements with "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, ..." (Matthew 5:44). " ... Whosoever shall [hit you] on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39). God has given us a way full of love, beauty, and peace. Man-made religions bring war and violence. Jesus brings peace and a hope for the future. |