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![]() The family of God here at the Dowagiac Church of Christ wishes to extend to you a warm welcome. If you have questions about our worship services and why we do what we do, we will be glad to give you a biblical answer. The uniqueness of the churches of Christ is that we are trying to restore to the best of our ability those things that we see the first century church doing. We are also working hard at building the spirit, unity, and love that Jesus taught and prayed for. We have no clergy, but are working together as equal co-workers trying to serve one another and the area in which we live. Come study with us, grow with us, and serve with us as we strive to do God's will in all things. FAMILY
LAST SUNDAY'S MEETING was very productive. On the back of this bulletin is a quick summary of the decisions made. Pray for these efforts. Volunteer to help in them. Invite friends and neighbors to come to the outreach efforts. We have some big dreams including a day care program for an outreach into the community. We are looking into insurance issues and playground equipment as a start on the future. SOUND SYSTEM. Our sound system continues to improve, and we are gradually getting our worship leaders to use it effectively. If you are not hearing well, please see Karl Marcussen for a personal receiver. MATERIALS IN LOBBY. We have a number of free periodicals in the lobby that are there for you to take home and read and make available to family and visitors. The Gospel Herald and Christian Chronicle are newspapers that have news and good Christian articles in them. Gospel Minutes and Does God Exist? are ministry magazines that answer difficult questions and have biblical material on specific topics of interest to many people. Please help yourself to these free magazines and have good Christian literature available in your home. PRAYER SHEETS are available from the Marcussens. Be sure to get a copy and send notes, pray for those listed, and where possible call or visit them. Be a part of our loving and caring for others. TODAY'S LESSON
Blindness is a struggle even in
today's world.
46-47. B. In the ancient world it was even a bigger problem. 1.
Blind were said to be victims of
God's anger.
2. The blind were usually beggars--as was this man. A. He
was known in the community.
48. B. He was begging. C. When he heard Jesus was there he went after him. 1.
He did not wait to be led.
2. He was desperate--do we have to be? A.
First obstacle was forced on him by
life--by Satan.
49-50. B. Second obstacle was forced on him by people. 1.
People can be an obstacle in our
2. Attempts to quiet him made him louder. 3. Can be family, friends, associates, leaders A.
Invitation came from Christ--as does
5.B. Others relayed the invitation. 1.
Why do we preach, teach, counsel?
C. He accepted immediately--"jumped
to his feet."D. How do we accept the invitation of Christ? A. Why
did Jesus even ask what he wanted?
52. 1.
We need to live lives full of
B. Jesus says his faith saved
him--not how much faith.2. Know where your blessings come from. 1.
Our seeking leads us to
solutions--Matthew 7:7-8.
2. Are you looking for answers in the right places? A. The
solution to the man's problems comes
B. He no longer is filled with desperation. C. He follows Jesus "along the road." 1.
Gratitude should lead us to serve.
2. Our invitation song--Count Your Many Blessings PRODUCTIVE CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Last Sunday afternoon we had a very productive afternoon of sharing, voting, dreaming, and planning. Thanks to everyone who stayed and participated. Here is a brief outline of what was decided and what is planned: NEXT
POTLUCK will be March 25 due
to Ginger Marcussen's wedding and
Easter being the following weekends.
MESSAGE SIGN APPROVED--We will purchase a message sign to be placed near the oak tree in front. It will have meaningful messages and announce special events of the congregation, inviting visitors to attend. SPECIAL VISITOR MEALS will be made available and advertised for Wednesday nights and Sundays when we have them. The sign will be used to invite the community in. LADIES CLASS APPROVED--Starting in June we will have a special weekly ladies Bible study which we will invite our friends and neighbors to come to. Child care will be offered. CASS COUNTY FAIR BOOTH APPROVED--We will have a booth. Five possible booths were presented and a selection will be made at our next potluck. A synopsis of the booth ideas is posted in the lobby. JANICE LOVE SONGBOOKS--In Jan's memory from her family will be ordered and prepared. WATER HEATER--For the front bathrooms will be purchased and installed. NEW ROOF--Bids will be received to redo the roof on the northeast side of the auditorium. RESURFACING OF BLACKTOP will be done by June. THRESHOLD RAMP for fellowship room door will be done. ENTRY LIGHT for the discharge area will be installed. |