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FAMILY NEWSTHANKS!!! — Our sincere thanks to everyone who helped with the singing last night. It is a joy to see everyone pitching in and making sure everything works and that all our guests feel welcome and comfortable (and well fed). POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY — We will have our monthly potluck next Sunday morning even though lots of folks will be out of town and we will have visitors. Bring a little extra and plan to stay for a fun time together. THE SIGN — We are using the new sign in front to invite the community to things like the singing and our potlucks as well as special classes and services. Eventually we will have permanent wiring to the sign. We also have sayings and biblical quotes to use when we do not have a special event coming up. If someone would like to take on changing the board from time to time, please see John Clayton. Lots of things are going on in the area in September. Be sure to check out the flyers on the front pew and bulletin board. TODAY'S LESSONMISCONCEPTIONS OF MINISTERINGMATTHEW 20:20 – 28INTRODUCTION
A. Last Sunday we talked about why we do not have a Pastor. The religious world likes titles.
B. ln our text, two brothers want political favor. 1. Send their mother — Jesus knows their heart.
C. What is a minister?
1. What a minister is NOT is our subject for today.
A. The word "minister" means "to serve."
B. 1 Peter 4:10 –11
1. 1 Samuel 3:1 — "The boy Samuel ministered."
C. Ephesians 4:11–122. Luke 8:2 – 3 — Women ministered to Jesus, A. In our text James and John had that idea (verses 26 – 28).
B. 2 Corinthians 6:3 –10 — Paul's description C. John 13:3 –17 — Jesus gives the ministering command. D. Ministering is work — 2 Timothy 4:5; Ephesians 4:11–12; Hebrews 6:9 –10. A. It is an imperative — 2 Corinthians 5:16 – 20.
B. We give ourselves to a ministry — Acts 6:3 – 4.
1. Ministering is a function of your talent.
C. Write down your ministry. My primary ministry is to ________________________________2. We are to finish it — Colossians 4:17. a. Acts 6:4
3. We will give an account of it — 1 Corinthians 4:1– 5.4. We are to be addicted to it — 1 Corinthians 16:15. A. Matthew 25:31 – 46
1. Notice he does not say "Be a preacher." "Sell all you have and go to the starving children in Africa."
B. Are you a sheep or a goat?
1. Do not be like John and James were at the time. 2. Be a minister. WHY WORSHIP ON SUNDAYWe live in an area where there is a strong belief in sabbatarian practice. What that means is an emphasis on making the 7th day of the week a day of worship and rest. The emphasis on the Sabbath goes back to Exodus 20:8 –11 where it is explained and given as a part of the Ten Commandments. Our sabbatarian friends maintain that worshipping on Sunday was an innovation invented by the Catholic church and forced upon the religious community after the last Apostle died, and that the Sabbath of Exodus 20 should still be observed. The word sabbath from the Hebrew "shabbath" refers to cessation or desisting from work, and the parallel to the seventh day when God rested in Genesis was not the only sabbath that existed. In the Jewish system there were special sabbaths. In Leviticus 25:2 – 8 there was a whole year sabbath for the land. All of this was a part of the Law of Moses and was what the Jews lived under when Jesus lived on the earth, and thus, what he observed. Jesus rose on the first day of the week, and the establishment of the church in Acts 2 was on the first day of the week which is Sunday. Acts 20:7 tells us that the church came together on the first day of the week and 1 Corinthians 16:2 tells us the collection was to be taken on the first day of the week. The keeping of the Jewish Sabbath was a part of what Jesus did away with — the imperfect Old Testament Law which men could not keep perfectly was nailed to the cross of Jesus (Colossians 2:14 – 17) changing the law under which we live (Hebrews 7:12, 18 and 10:9; Gal 3:25). We do not gather together on Saturday to worship for the same reason we do not sacrifice animals on an alter. We live under the New Testament of grace (Hebrews 9:11 – 15). In Galatians 5:1 – 4 Paul indicates that hanging on to the old law is to discard the grace that God has given to us. We cannot pick and choose parts of the old law to observe and not observe. To do what the first century church did and taught, we meet together on Sunday. |