
Worship Services




Bulletin cover

December 16, 2012


We are a group of believers who simply try to follow the Bible as a guide for all we do. Everything done in our worship service is something for which we have a Bible basis. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you wish. We will sing hymns together and we will observe the Lord's Supper or Communion together. We will also have an opportunity to give to the work of God in this area. This collection is for the members here, and if you are visiting you should not feel and pressure to give. Our lesson time will be divided into two groups. The young children will go to our classroom area in the basement where they will be taught the Bible at a level they can understand. The adults will stay in the auditorium for a lesson at an adult level. We do try to serve the community, and if you have some needs that we can help you with, mention it to one of the members.


COATS — Our thanks to Bill and Patty Gibson, who spent a whole day buying children's coats at massive discounts for our efforts to provide coats for kids who do not have winter coats. If you know someone who needs a coat, please contact Bill or Patty to find one that is the right size. We need to make sure people know where the coat is coming from and that we are here to meet needs.

POTLUCK AT NILES TODAY — The congregation at Niles has invited us as a congregation to come and share a Christmas dinner with them. Several of us have brought some food to include in the potluck, so you do not need to feel that, since you did not bring anything, you cannot participate. Come and enjoy the dinner, fellowship, and some singing of Christmas carols afterwards. If you need directions or a ride, see John Clayton or Bill Gibson. Let us support our brothers and sisters in this dinner.

MARK JANUARY 6 — On the back page of today's bulletin is a short editorial about planning for the new year. Our potluck on January 6 will be a great time to discuss what we want to do in our service to the Lord in 2013. Mark that Sunday to be a day when you stay for a planning meeting after the potluck. Please pray for our work here at the M-51 congregation.


Some Comparisons Between Moses and Jesus

Exodus 34:32
Hebrews 8:6, 10, 13
Deliverer from bondage in Egypt
Exodus 14:21 – 22
Deliverer from bondage of sin
Romans 7:23 – 25
Builder of Tabernacle
Exodus 39:32
Builder of Church
Matthew 16:18
Exodus 32:10
Romans 8:34
Exodus 3:1; Psalm 77:20
John 10:11
Exodus 34:29; Luke 9:30
Luke 9:29
Descendant of Abraham, born in
a country under a Gentile king
Exodus 1:8 – 2:10
Descendant of Abraham, born in
a country under a Gentile king
Luke 1:4 – 7
Saved from Pharaoh's edict
to kill all newborn Hebrew boys
Exodus 1:22
Saved from Herod's edict
to kill all newborn Hebrew boys
Matthew 2:13 – 16
Brought up in a household where
the man was not his actual father
Exodus 2:10
Brought up in a household where
the man was not his actual father
Matthew 1:18 – 25
Subject of criticism
from family and Israelites
Exodus 5:19 – 21; Numbers 12:1 – 2
Subject of criticism
from family and Israelites
John 7:3 – 5; 12:34 – 37
Went on a 40-day fast
Exodus 34:28
Went on a 40-day fast
Matthew 4:1 – 2
Sent out 12 men with an
Numbers 13:1 – 15
Sent out 12 men with an
Matthew 10:1 – 16
God spoke to him audibly
Exodus 19:9 – 10
God spoke to him audibly
John 12:23 – 30



We are nearing the end of 2012. It has been quite a year from any direction that you want to look at it. On a national level there have been a variety of events that will have great implications for the future. On a local level, there have been some major changes and some of these will have a huge impact on this congregation. The casino going in across the street is perhaps the most notable thing, but there have been other changes as well. The year 2012 has been a good year for the congregation. We have grown a little, and have had a variety if projects that have gone well. The food bank, the coats for kids program, the county fair exhibit, the highway clean-up project, the construction of the roadside sign, the city parade float, and the construction of the children's area beside the building as well as some improvements to the building itself have all been things that have put the church before the community and have strengthened how people see us. We continue to get positive comments from our neighbors and from the community.

It is time to start thinking about 2013. Which of these projects, if any, do we want to terminate? What new projects should we take on? How can we do a better job of evangelism in our area? Last week I proposed one idea that is a major item — the possible construction of a day care here on our property. We have had a lot of comments about that and several proposals of how we might gather facts about what needs to be done were brought forward. One alternative that has been suggested is to use the funds that would be spent on such a facility to pay a full time evangelist to work with us. This can be done and is an alternative.

One thing already in place is to continue and expand our class offerings. Starting January 2 on Wednesday night we will begin a study of the book of Revelation. We will advertise it and start encouraging visitors to come. Our children's program is growing, and we need to find ways to expand it and publicize it. Let us know what ideas you have. Help us plan for the future.