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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK TODAY: We always enjoy having a chance to eat good food and be with our church family on the first Sunday of each month. Today we have our usual surplus of food, and we would love to have you stay and eat with us. We hate to waste food, so help us eat it and do not feel that if you did not bring something that you are excluded. We have the food — we just need you to enjoy it with us. Stay — we will eat right after services. PRAYER SHEET: Until Karl and Julie return at the end of June, John Clayton will maintain the prayer sheet. Call him when you have information to be added — 269-687-9426. CASS COUNTY FAIR BOOTH FINALIZED: We have contracted for banners for our booth, and the preparation of materials and the exhibit is underway. Please keep July 29 – Aug 3 open to work in the booth. “NEW PREACHER FUND” OPERATIVE: In our congregational meeting we voted to set $500 a month in a fund to build up resources to hire a full time preacher. That is now being done. TODAY'S LESSONTHE PROVIDENCE OF GODI. INTRODUCTION — two violated scriptures
A. 1 Peter 5:7 — “cast your cares in him.”
B. Philippians 4:6 – 7 — “Do not be anxious.” C. Matthew 10:29 – 30 — Jesus knows. D. God thinks peace, hope towards us — not evil. A. Genesis 37
B. Verse 2 — Joseph gives an honest report of wrong doing. C. Jacob makes two bad judgments. 1. The coat of many colors (troubles).
D. God takes bad choices, and brings good from them.2. Sending Joseph to check on his brothers (verse 14). E. Brothers are agents of Satan. 1. Jealousy + evil = gasoline and fire (disaster)
F. God begins to use the situation — verses 23 – 25.
2. They decide to kill Joseph — Reuben intervenes. a. Verses 19 – 22 — God uses good people to stop evil. 1. Grazing is good in Dothan — major Egyptian route. 2. Ishmaelites (slave traders) are coming through. 3. Joseph ends up in Egypt in royal family. 4. Genesis 45:4 — “God sent me …” A. 1 John 4:4
B. Not by force — Matthew 26:52 C. Not primarily by miracles — Matthew 16:4 D. By 12 unlikely people — fishermen, tax collectors, etc. A. Romans 8:28
B. Acts 9:15 — God calls our special talents C. God selects people according to their possessions 1. 1 Corinthians 16:19 — Aquila and Priscilla — Romans 16:3
D. God selects people according to their experiences.
1. Philemon 10 — Onesimus A. Children's recovery
B. Children's outreach C. Pitcher Lake campground D. Does God Exist? program E. Food bank — coats — service work F. Casino related issues G. Can we do what 1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6 – 7 tell us? THE BACK PAGEYOUR PURPOSE IN LIFEWe were all a little stunned last Sunday when Debbie and Bill Salmons shared with us some of the challenges that their family has been facing. Most of us who know Debbie well know that her number one concern for the past several years has been for her grandchildren. At one point in our discussions about the current problem Debbie said something like “I guess my one purpose in life is to help these grandchildren find stability and direction in their lives.” I heartily “amened” that statement. What is important about that statement and how it applies to all of us is that all of us need a clear “purpose in life.” People who drift through life mindlessly seeking pleasure in a physical way are doomed to a life of hopelessness, isolation, loneliness, and frustration. I remember my mother being brought nearly to tears every time we heard the old Peggy Lee classic “ls That All There Is.” In the song which was a big hit in the 1940s, the composer talks about going to the circus and when they leave the circus saying “Is that all there is?” Then they go to a parade, and as they leave the parade they say “Is that all there is?” As more and more things are entered the composer comes to the end of life and says “is that all there is to life?” My atheistic mother had to say “yes, that is all there is.” For the atheist and the occasional church attendee the answer is “yes, that is all there is for you.” Whatever is fun is fun for a short time. Once you have done it, it is less fun. Our class on Sunday morning is studying Ecclesiastes, a book that radically demonstrates the futility of the epicurean life style where only food, drink, sex, and possessions are available as goals. What greater joy can there be in life than seeing children and/or adults find love, joy, and fulfillment in a life intertwined with God and his love. Our purpose may be focused on our families, our community, or our nation, but ultimately it is finding what God has called us as individuals to do. What is your purpose in life? — John Clayton |