
Worship Services

Sermons and Classes




Bulletin cover

November 10, 2013


We are a group of believers who simply try to follow the Bible as a guide for all we do. Everything done in our worship service is something for which we have a Bible basis. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you wish. We will sing hymns together and we will observe the Lord's Supper or Communion together. We will also have an opportunity to give to the work of God in this area. This collection is for the members here, and if you are visiting you should not feel and pressure to give. Our lesson time will be divided into two groups. The young children will go to our classroom area in the basement where they will be taught the Bible at a level they can understand. The adults will stay in the auditorium for a lesson at an adult level. We do try to serve the community, and if you have some needs that we can help you with, mention it to one of the members. Thank you for worshipping with us.


NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASS ON NOVEMBER 27: A large number of us will be out of town for Thanksgiving, and some who will be here have a lot of out of town guests for Thanksgiving, so our class the 27th has been cancelled.

CHRISTMAS FLOAT DECEMBER 6 — WE NEED YOU! Dowagiac has a community Christmas parade the first Friday of December, so that will be December 6 this year. We always participate by having our “hay wagon float” and singing Christmas carols to and with the community. We need all the voices we can get, so please save that Friday night to be a part of it!

CLASSES: Richard Hoyt continues to teach an amazing class on Sunday night at 6:00 on the harmony of the gospels in their description of the life of Christ. Our Wednesday night class on the life of Moses has been challenging. We are studying the man, his life, his relationship to God, and how his life has affected us today. Come join us at 7:15 Wednesday night for this study. Our Sunday morning class and discussion continues to be on the book of Acts. Join us in this useful study.



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Ezekiel 22:30 — “I have sought for a man …”

John Clayton

A. We learn by watching greatness in others.
B. Bible men of greatness need to be studied.
1. Six great men
I. PERFECT: NOAH — man with a mature faith
A. Genesis 6:9 — Perfect = complete, whole (tamin)
B. Did not question, delay, deny; he obeyed and acted.
II. PROVIDER: ABRAHAM — Man of action
A. James 2:22 – 23
B. Practiced the little things
1. Genesis 18:2 – 8
2. Hebrews 13:1 – 2
III. PATIENCE:  JOSEPH — Hated, sold as a slave, conned
A. Genesis 37 – 50
B. Genesis 45:3 – 8 — What does it take to do this?
A. Nehemiah's heart is broken (Nehemiah 1:3-4).
B. God provides an opportunity — no force involved.
1. Nehemiah 2:17 – 18 — Mockers are always there.
2. Nehemiah 4:6, 18 – 23 — Worked with a sword in one hand
C. 1 Corinthians 10:13 — God provides a way, does not force us.
1. Life can be hard; always need a sword in one hand.
V. PAIN: JOB — Job 1 – 42
A. Like us. Job has prosperity.
B. Like us, it can be taken away in a flash (John 1:20 – 22).
C. Job saw his purpose for existance through his pain (Job 42:5).
A. Daniel 1:8 — notice what Daniel resolved.
1. You have to want to be pure to do it God's way.
B. Daniel 6:10 — What premium do we put on purity? (Galatians 5:22 – 26)
A. LIKE NOAH — Do it God's way — not constantly resisting.
B. LIKE ABRAHAM — Do the little things.
C. LIKE JOSEPH — Be patient — when wronged, do not react.
D. LIKE NEHEMIAH — Be persistent — give God time!
E. LIKE JOB — Do not let pain bury you.
F. LIKE DANIEL — Do not buy into the world's standards
VIII. BE A REAL CHRISTIAN — God is seeking you!



“Do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

We frequently quote this passage to young people to emphasize the importance of them “running with the right crowd.” The original quote by Paul in Corinthians is actually a reference to Isaiah 22:13 where the prophet is warning Jerusalem about what their “party attitude” is going to do to them. It is correct to say that individually who we associate with will have an effect on our morality and what happens to us; but it is also true of a nation, of a city, and of a congregation.

It is difficult to read passages like 1 John 3:11 – 24 and not see that God calls us to replace bad company with good company, and selfish desire and greed with real selfless love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Who is your best friend? Who do you spend most of your time with? When you are in trouble or when you need advice, who do you go to? In my 75 years I have seen an incredible amount of pain come to members of the church because they put all their confidence and time with people in the world who did not have their values or goals in life.

Most of us are forced to be with people all day who do not have much of a relationship with God. At work, at the doctor's office, at school, at the library, and at community events we are forced into a secular world's view of life and recreation and morality. That is why it is so important that we make sure that whenever we have the opportunity, we spend time with God's people.

In Hebrews 10:23 – 25 we are urged to “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess … and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another … . ” When we beg you to come to classes, attend fellowship potlucks, get involved in special programs, and even eat a snack with us after services it is to do all these things. Please join us — grow, be a part of the family here.

— John Clayton