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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK TODAY: We have a tradition of having a potluck dinner together the first Sunday of each month. This is a great time of good food and wonderful fellowship. Stay after services and enjoy a good meal with us. We always have a lot left over, even after we all pig out; so, if you did not bring anything, do not worry about it — JUST STAY AND EAT WITH US. CHRISTMAS FLOAT THIS FRIDAY: We need you on the float to sing and greet the community. The parade starts at 7:00 p.m. and we would like to have everyone sitting on the hay bales at 6:45. Our assigned space for the parade is space #92 on Pennsylvania between High St. and Chestnut. Bring a flashlight if you can. COAT GIVE AWAY: We provide winter coats to kids in the Dowagiac/Cassopolis area who do not have one, and we have an opportunity to buy what we need from a wholesaler the second week of December. If you know of a child who needs a coat, please see the Gibsons so we can get the right size for them. SENIOR'S BRUNCH: This Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. the Seniors will meet at Bob Evans near the tollroad entrance in Roseland. See the Claytons if you need a ride. TODAY'S LESSON
A. In the garden man communicated directly with God.
1. Genesis 3:9
B. Sin separated man from God — Genesis 3:23.
1. Man has worked to re-establish his relationship.
C. Abraham breaks through in reaching out to God.
2. Genesis 4:26 3. God responds with distant communication. 1. Genesis 12:8; 15:1; 15:12
D. With Moses prayer emphasizes intercession.
2. God makes a covenant with Abram. 1. Exodus 32:11; Deuteronomy 26:13
E. With the Temple's destruction, prayer changed.
1. 2 Chronicles 36:15 – 21
F. Jesus and prayer
2. Synagogue became the center of prayer. 3. Presence of God was the emphasis. 1. Emphasis on humility and simplicity — Luke 18:10 – 14. 2. Matthew 6:6; Mark 12:38 – 40; Luke 20:47 A. Acts 2:42 — See the article below.
1. An atmosphere of prayer prevailed — Acts 6:4.
B. The Spirit's presence is linked to prayer — Acts 23 – 31.
1. Acts 9:30 — Peter prays then raises Dorcas. 2. Acts 10:9 — “Peter went up to pray” — the sheet story. 3. Acts 16:25 — In jail-praying 4. Acts 20:36 — Facing death and trouble 5. Acts 21:5 — Everyone is present. A. Romans 12:12 — Ongoing role of prayer
B. Ephesians 3:14 – 17 — Strength comes through prayer. C. James 1:5 – 8 — Asking confidently for the right things. 1. James 4:3 — Wrong things
D. Romans 8:26 — Spirit intercedes when we do not know what to pray for.2. James 5:13 — Trouble E. 1 John 5:14 – 15 — Be confident. 1. Context of passage is spiritual needs. 2. Sin is the focal point of John's message. 3. Acts 2:36 – 37 — Sin's fruit brings a local response. 4. Peter's promise for them and for us — Acts 2:39 – 40. THE BACK PAGEPRAYERFor the past month we have had discussions about prayer in our bible classes on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. This morning's lesson attempts to summarize some of those things that prayer was in biblical times and should be today. It is important to understand that personal prayer is something each of us must develop in our relationship to God. How you pray, what you do with your hands, whether your prayer is verbal or prayed silently, how you address God, what you ask for, how long you pray, where you pray, what your body posture is, etc., are all up to you. What we can address as a congregation is how we conduct our prayers together. Nothing we have been doing in the past has been wrong or incorrect in any way. What we see in the first century church as described in the book of Acts, is an atmosphere of prayer. In Acts 2:42 what we see is that the church was devoted to certain things. One of those things was teaching God's word, which we spend a minimum of three hours a week doing — four if you count the Sunday morning sermon. A second thing mentioned is fellowship. There has to be a concerted effort for us to be together so we can know each other as brothers and sisters. Some of us do this very regularly and faithfully. We would hope that we can convince everyone to be a part of the fellowship efforts we have — the potlucks, the classes on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning and evening, and the get togethers after those classes. There has been some discussion as to whether the “breaking of bread” in this verse refers to the Lord's supper or to eating together, but both are done regularly by this congregation. The last thing mentioned in this verse is that they were devoted to prayer. We do not see just one person praying, we do not see it being just at certain times in formal worship, and we do not see prayer being given in generalities. In Acts 20:36 for example we see prayer full of purpose and direction, and that should be our goal for our worship every time we meet. — John Clayton |