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BIBLE CLASS AT CLAYTONS' TUESDAY: Once a month, Christians from all over the area meet at Cynthia and John Clayton's house for a Bible study. This class has been going on for over 30 years, and it is a great time for discussion and getting to know other Christians from the Michiana area. If you need directions, ask John or Cynthia, but join us at 7:00 Tuesday. THANKS: To everyone who participated in our highway clean up effort yesterday. The neighborhood is aware that we do this, and it is a great testimony to the community that we are here to serve and be a part of making the world a better place. Our special thanks to Richard Hoyt who does all the leg work on this project, and makes it so we can do it quickly and efficiently. POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, and our tradition is to bring a dish and enjoy some good food and good fellowship. Be a part of this! If you cannot bring food, then just bring an appetite — there is always food left over. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Questions — marriage, teams, etc.
B. True of life, church work — Exodus 14:30 – 15:24 A. Understand there will be struggles.
B. Matthew 24:6 – 9 — Notice what is listed. 1. God wants us prepared for these struggles.
C. Hebrews 11:7
1. Church is about being prepared — here, in heaven.
a. Marriage can be for life if we are prepared.
b. Death can be overcome if we are prepared. c. Satisfaction in life can be found. A. Understand we can all have incredible victories.
B. Acts 8:27, 39 — What mattered to the eunuch? C. Romans 8:28 — Do you believe that? D. 1 Corinthians 10:13 — Do you believe that? A. Understand the nature of your afflictions.
1. If you are thirsty enough, you will drink anything.
B. Your past explains, but does not justify — 1 Corinthians 10:13.
a. Are you willing to prime the well?
2. Having no love can take you to a false love.
a. 1 Corinthians 6:15 – 16 — prostitution, pornography
3. Alcohol can become a relationship — Proverbs 20:1.1. Misery can turn us from God — has to be left behind.
a. Romans 6 — Be a new creature.
2. John 7:37 – 39 A. Church — the bride of Christ — no post-honeymoons.
THE BACK PAGEHOMEIn the March 26, 2014, issue of Power for Today, which this congregation makes available to you, is a wonderful article by Joyce Hardin about children in a very low income neighborhood who participated in a mock “life” experiment in her 4th grade classroom. Each child was given a pretend income, and had to spend it at various booths around the room. The booths had restaurants, real estate, a hotel, a clothing store, a candy store, a game store, tickets to a football game, and a county fair. The school personnel expected the kids to rush to the candy store, the games, and the fair. What happened was that every child went to a store that had housing before they went anywhere else. These were kids who never knew when they came to school where they would sleep that night. Some moved from shelter to shelter and the thing they wanted most was a home. In John 14:2 Jesus tells us he went to prepare a home for us, a special place, and that he would come back to escort us home. Cynthia and I have been traveling a great deal this summer, and we have not lacked shelter or a place to sleep. What we have longed for and what we have missed is “home.” We sing “This World Is Not My Home,” and “Lead Me Gently Home, Father.” How important it is to feel that when our body finally gives completely out that we will not be in a strange place and around unfamiliar faces in an alien land. A great part of the fear of death is the fear of the unknown. Jesus tells us not to be afraid, that he will take us home and we will never have to go anywhere alone again. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!![]() |