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POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY: Remember to bring a dish and an appetite to services next Sunday. It will be the first Sunday in December and we always enjoy a time of good food and good fellowship at this monthly event. CHRISTMAS FLOAT: We will have a Christmas float in the city holiday parade this Friday. We will have song sheets for us to sing as we greet our friends and neighbors, so bring warm clothing and maybe a flashlight if you need to read the lyrics. The departure time will be 7:00, so we need everyone on the hay bales by 6:45. We are usually towards the end of the parade, so finding us should be easy. We should have a float number today. CONGRATULATIONS: We rejoice with Richard Hoyt and Tina Nemethy at their marriage yesterday. We know that their union will be a blessing to the Lord's work. CANCELLATION: If bad weather makes it dangerous to hold classes or services we will cancel them. Call Bill Gibson at 782-4564 if you have doubts. Remember that we have people coming from great distances, so where you are may affect this. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Women were second class citizens in Jesus' day.
B. Jesus' genealogy carries a message. 1. Matthew 1:3 — Tamar played the harlot with Judah — Genesis 38
C. Message is Galatians 3:28 – 29.2. Matthew 1:4 — Rahab — Gentile harlot in Jericho — Genesis 32:28 3. Matthew 1:5 — Ruth — Gentile from Moab — Ruth 1:4 4. Matthew 1:6 — Bathsheba — adulteress — 2 Samuel 11:1 – 4 5. Matthew 1:16 — Mary — First cousin to Joseph A. Mary — only 4 times after Jesus starts his ministry
B. Mary Magdalene — Luke 8:2; 24:10 C. Mary, Martha — John 11:2 – 5; Mark 14:3 – 9; Luke 10:38 – A. Acts 16:14 – 15 and 40 — Lydia
B. Romans 16:1 – 2 — Phebe and others C. Acts 21:8 – 9 — Daughters of Philip the evangelist D. Frequently a team — Aquilla and Priscilla 1. Teaching in Acts 8:2 and 26
2. Took risks in Romans 16:3 – 4 3. Church met in their house — 1 Corinthians 16:19 A. In Corinth — 1 Corinthians 14:34 – 35 — What culture is this in?
IV. CONCLUSION: Galatianss 3:26 — Are you a citizen of the kingdom?1. What is Paul addressing? What are the dangers?
B. 1 Timothy 2:11 – 15 — What is this letter about? Evangelism
1. What roles are being spelled out? (Verse 15)
2. What does Paul suggest (suffer) — 1 Peter 3:1 – 9? THE BACK PAGEHOW SOON WE FORGET!The mess in Ferguson, Missouri, this past week reminded me of the past. My father taught in Talladega, Alabama, in a college that only black people could attend. I was the only white kid in my school, and I can remember when I had my tonsils taken out. The doctor wheeled me out on a blood-soaked gurney and yelled at my mother, “Here nigger lover, you clean him up,” and left. Not long after that when I was 7 years old, I remember a cross burning in our front yard. All of that was long ago, and through the years there has been incredible change, but the shadows of the past still surround us. I do not have any idea what really happened when Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, but what happened when the verdict was announced and the attitudes shown on all sides by leaders and even ministers shows us how far America has drifted from the teachings of Jesus and the principles of Matthew 5 – 7. Racial hatred is rooted in feelings of insecurity rooted in an evolutionary “survival of the fittest” moral code. There are still whites who feel blacks are an inferior evolutionary mistake, and fear animal-like acts by all blacks. There are blacks who feel their only hope of success in life is to exploit whites and force whites to give them their fair share of America's wealth. Nowhere have I seen prayer on either side or a search for unity and forgiveness. Violence begets violence, and survival of the fittest seems to be the only solution being entertained by either side. Our lesson this morning deals with prejudice against women; but the final passage in Galatians 3:26 is the one thing that, if both sides in Ferguson believed, would bring an end to the violence and hostility. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!![]() |