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SENIORS STUDY AND PARTY TUESDAY: For nearly 40 years there has been a seniors Bible study for Christians throughout Michiana. For the past 15 years this has been held at the Clayton's house. Every December we have a “Christmas Party” which involves eating together, having a devotional, and a white elephant gift exchange. The Claytons provide a ham, drinks, and dinnerware and everyone brings a salad, veggie, dessert, or casserole. The white elephant is a wrapped gift — usually a nonsense gag gift or trivial item — sometimes something people just want to get rid of. A wooden snake has been given several times as has a wig. Come and join us. We eat at 6:00 and if you need a ride let us know. CANCELLATION: If bad weather makes it dangerous to hold classes or services we will cancel them. Call Bill Gibson at 782-4564 if you have doubts. Remember that we have people coming from great distances, so where you are may affect this. Christmas Eve is Wednesday, December 24 and New Year's Eve is Wednesday, December 31. We will not have class on those two nights. TODAY'S LESSON
A. 1 Corinthians 11:1
I. HAVE A HEART OF INTEGRITY — soundness of morality.
B. We need to know this role model. C. We need to grow to have the mind of Christ — Philippians 2:1ff. A. Paul stood for something — Galatians 2:11 – 15.
1. You could trust Paul — Psalms 25:21 & 26:11.
B. What do you stand for?C. We are challenged to live without integrity. 1. Romans 13:1 – 7 A. BOLD — tharrheo — warm, zealous, daring – 2 Cor 10:1ff
B. Acts 20:20 – 21; Acts 16:30 – 32; Galatians 5:4; Philippians 4:2 – 3 C. Commitment — Acts 20:22 – 24, 21:10 – 14, 20:36 – 38 A. Acts 20:25 – 27
B. John had this kind of heart — Mark 6:17 – 18. C. Do we stand for what is right? A. Warning is an expression of love.
1. How do we interpret discipline?
B. Acts 20:28 – 30 — Satan's attacks on us as a congregation.
1. Do we care?
C. Involvement is a heart issue — Ephesians 4:28.
1. No involvement paralyzes spiritual growth. A. Acts 9:18 – 29 — is baptized and then begins ministry.
1. Galatians 1:18 — Spent time growing.
B. Acts 9:15 – God had a purpose for Paul's life.
1. Paul had to accept it -1 Corinthians 9:27. Read “A Story to Encourage You” in the Insert. THE BACK PAGECHRISTMAS AND ROMANS 14The Christmas season is a strange time religiously. The commercial nature of the season is undeniable. Last week there was a study released showing that 20% of all annual purchasing done in department stores happens during the two weeks prior to December 25. Christmas music is a major business with some radio stations in the area dropping their normal programing to play nothing but Christmas music. One of my favorite singers, who happens to be Jewish, has just released his second Christmas album with all the typical songs about the birth of Christ on it. Money talks, sometimes louder than religious conviction. For Christians the holiday is especially strange. There is a strong movement to “put Christ back into Christmas.” We were castigated last year because we put X-mas on our sign (to save space) instead of Christmas. In contrast to that, I have been told by a well-meaning religious leader, that my soul is in jeopardy because we are having a Senior Christmas Party and Bible Study at my house this next Tuesday (to which you are invited), and because our congregation participated in the City Christmas Parade. The pagan origins and Catholic connections to December 25 as the day of Christ's birth are well known, but what does the Bible teach? In Romans 14:5 Paul notes that “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike.” He goes on to say to be “fully convinced in his own mind” and that we should stop “passing judgment on one another” — that we should serve “Christ” and that we will be “pleasing to God and approved of men” (verse 18). He then says we should “make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (verse 19). Enjoy the holiday and do so in peace. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!![]() Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |