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SNOW SUNDAY: We had a snow day last Sunday, February 1, so we are using the bulletin that was published last Sunday. John is using the sermon he had planned to use last Sunday. John and Cindy will be out of town for several weeks, so our Wednesday class mentioned below will be postponed for several weeks. Bill Gibson will be directing our Wednesday classes for those several weeks. NEW CLASS ON JAMES: One of the things that sets this congregation apart is our emphasis on studying the Bible. One of the most practical books in the Bible is the book of James, written by the brother of Jesus and full of practical, useful advice and teaching about living the Christian life. Richard Hoyt is teaching this class and has spent a great deal of time researching this book and its teaching. Come tonight at 6:00 and enjoy an hour of study together. INTEGRATING THE NEW AND OLD TESTAMENT: Our sermon this morning and our Wednesday night study is focused on the connection between the Old and New Testament. Why do we have both and what purposes are served and what messages are revealed. Join us on Wednesday at 7:15 and bring a snack for some fellowship and discussion time after the class on Wednesday. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Why did not Jesus die right after the Fall?
I. GOD'S CREATION — God is a God of love
B. Why did it take thousands of years for Christ to come? 1. War — disease — famines — Israel — Slavery — etc.
C. Why is there something instead of nothing?A. Love = Agape — “The highest form of love which sees something infinitely precious in its object.”
B. Phileo — intimate affection — what is pleasant C. 1 John 3:1; 4:8 — Song “God Is Love” — John 3:16 – 17 D. Romans 8:35 – 39 A. 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6
1. Angels are outside of time — cannot die or repent.
B. Man has the capacity to agape because we are in God's image.2. Cannot love as God loves — love takes time. 3. 1 Corinthians 13:11 – 12 — Man's return to God C. John 21:15 – 17 — Agapeo vs phileo 1. Not all of us have the heart to agape. A. Romans 1:24; Judges 17:6
B. Galatians 3:19 – 25; Romans 3:10 – 18; Hebrews 11 C. Jesus came when agape was possible — Acts 17:29 – 31. A. Galatians 3:22 – 24; 4:4
B. Romans 6:3 – 4 and 20 – 23 C. Are you a person of love or a slave to the world? D. Becoming a Christian is that choice. THE BACK PAGEWHERE YOUR MONEY GOESOne of the problems any church or organization that depends on donations has is how the money that is given is used. All of us know that there have been cases where charities misused money or where leaders stole money from the charity. Even though we are not a big organization with a huge budget, it is important for everyone to be confident that funds are used wisely and that money is being spent on what we gave it to be used for, not on someone's personal pleasure. We do not pay our congregational preachers or teachers anything. If we have a guest speaker, we might pay them an honorarium or expense money — such as Shults-Lewis or Glynn Langston, but that is a rarity. Essentially all of the money you give goes to serve the community or to maintain our facility including repairs, snow removal and fuel costs. This past week we have had a good example of how money is used. We had several people come to our food bank this past week, which is normal. We also had a woman call who needed help. She had nothing but the clothes on her back, had not eaten in a while, and was trying to get to Grand Rapids where she said her son could help her. It became very obvious that she had some emotional problems, and had been in some confrontations with people in the area. Samantha got her into a local motel Saturday night. Cynthia fed her and we got her on a train to Grand Rapids Sunday to meet her son. This is pure service to the community and to a person in need. What will come of it is unknown and in God's hands, but many people in the community, including the local police, saw what the church was doing. Acts 2:47 talks about the church “having favor of all the people,” and this is one way we do that. Your contributions are used to meet needs in our area. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!![]() Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |