
Worship Services

Sermons and Classes





Bulletin cover

September 11, 2016


We are a group of believers who simply try to follow the Bible as a guide for all we do. Everything done in our worship service is something for which we have a Bible basis. You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you wish. We will sing hymns together and we will observe the Lord's Supper or Communion together. We will also have an opportunity to give to the work of God in this area. This collection is for the members here, and if you are visiting you should not feel and pressure to give. Our lesson time will be divided into two groups. The young children will go to our classroom area in the basement where they will be taught the Bible at a level they can understand. The adults will stay in the auditorium for a lesson at an adult level. We do try to serve the community, and if you have some needs that we can help you with, mention it to one of the members. Thank you for worshipping with us.


THANKS: To those who have filled in with good classes and lessons while the Claytons were out of town. It is wonderful that we have so many people who can be trusted to present biblical material that is positive and in tune with God's word.

HIGHWAY CLEAN UP — SEPTEMBER 24: One of the ways we served this community is that we keep the highway in our neighborhood free of trash. There is a sign on the highway that reminds our friends and neighbors of this every time they drive down it. Last spring when we did this, we were short handed. We have some seniors with ambulatory problems that should not be trying to walk and pick up debris. We have grabbers so you do not have to bend over, but walking in grass, gravel, and with the wind can be an issue if you are unstable. Some of you younger folks (over 12) plan to be here at 10:00 AM on the 24th. If it is your first time, be here by 9:45 to watch a state required short film.



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John Clayton

A. JOHN 14:1 – 4 and 15 – 17
B. What is your view of the Holy Spirit?
1. Ghost, Genie, feeling?
2. We may not know it because we do not access it.
C. The Spirit nudges — we are not forced.
1. We may tend to resist the nudges.
2. Acts 7:48 – 51; 1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 22
3. What do we feel when we see a need?
4. If it blesses others, glorifies God, it is of the Spirit.
D. Romans 7:24 – 8:6 — Are we Spirit filled or spiritless?
We need to know more about the Spirit.
A. Hebrew (ruach) — came on a person and then left
B. Greek (pneuma) — came on a person and stayed
C. Spirit gets closer and closer until it is within us.
Acts 2:38 – 39 — indwelling
D. Gives power — lays groundwork for God's use of us.
1. Without the Spirit there is insecurity, incompleteness, weakness, and frustration.
2. Jesus promised help and a comforter — Matthew 7:7 – 12 and John 14:15 – 17
A. Helps our prayer life — Romans 8:26 – 28.
B. Helps us to be patient, kind, etc. — Galatians 5:22 – 23.
C. Helps us to give cheerfully — 2 Corinthians 8:1 – 7.
D. Helps us work as a congregation.
E. Helps us resist temptation.
F. Romans 8:16 — Gives us peace, comfort, confirmation.
G. Helps us find and use our gifts — 1 Corinthians 12
H. Functions individually — will not force you (Acts 26)
1. Works differently in different people.
2. How have you responded to the nudges?



Last week lawyers for the Fort Des Moines Church of Christ filed a suit in Federal Court because the Iowa Civil Rights Commission has ruled that church services must censor their teaching on human sexuality because they are open to the public. The Commission also ruled that churches must open any changing facilities, restrooms, and any other areas to members of the opposite biological sex. Our brethren are claiming through lawyers provided by the Alliance Defending Freedom that the church should be allowed to use its facilities as it sees fit, and that the church should be allowed to continue to teach according to God's word and not by a government committee.

Jesus Christ had more to say about sexual issues and conduct than he did about any other issue of human endeavor except maybe religious hypocrisy. First Corinthians 5 – 7 deal with sexual issues of one kind or another. John the Baptist lost his life because he taught plainly about sex and marriage. Ephesians 5 and 6 deal with a plethora of issues which the government is wanting the church to steer clear of. How many stories in the Old Testament were of men and women who violated God's commands for sexual relationships and received the result of that violation? Galatians 5 and 6 are totally devoted to subject that would be condemned by the current government attitudes on these issues.

What is interesting to me is that this issue is not coming up in a “liberal” part of the country. Iowa is a pretty conservative state — at least until recently. Not being able to control the restrooms in the church building has to be a concern to everyone. The potential for damage to young innocent children is massive. If this can happen in Iowa, it can happen anywhere and we will have to deal with it in some way or another when it comes here. I cannot preach a “politically correct” sermon series and “declare the whole counsel of God” to you.

It appears that the end of religious freedom is upon us. We will let you know how this turns out.

— John Clayton

Our sign by the street!

Our sign on the street says, FORBIDDEN FRUIT CREATES MANY JAMS!

Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com