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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY: Remember to bring a dish next Sunday as we enjoy a time of good food and good fellowship together. HIGHWAY CLEAN UP: Our thanks to everyone who showed up Saturday and helped in our highway clean up. Also our thanks to Richard Hoyt for setting it up and managing it. SPECIAL EVENT OCTOBER 16: We have been supporting Glynn Langston and his work with the blind for many years. Glynn will be here October 16, speaking at the Niles congregation in the morning and speaking here in the evening. If you are not in the habit of coming Sunday night for our class, please make a real effort to be here that Sunday evening to hear Glynn. We need to know how our financial support is being used, and Glynn is a wonderful person to be around. He speaks five languages, travels by himself all over the world, and having been blind since birth, he is a wonderful testimony to overcoming a physical affliction. Let us all make a real effort to be here that evening. TODAY'S LESSON
A. We live in an age of skepticism.
B. Belief in the Bible as God's Word is a minority view. What happens if you do not believe it is true?
C. The Bible is true — we can test it.D. The Bible and scientific evidence agree 100%. A. Genesis 1:1 each word conveys a scientific truth.
II. MAKING OF LAND AND SEA — Genesis 1:9 – 10
1. There was a beginning.
B. Natah — Stretched out Isaiah 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 51:13
2. There was a cause. 3. Space, time, matter/energy were created. The cosmos is accelerating
C. Bara — all of space objects are created in verse 1.
1. Genesis 1:14 – 16; 2:5; 1:3
2. Making of earth — “days, signs, seasons” Continental drift — pangea
III. MAKING OF PLANT LIFE — Genesis 1:11 – 12
A. Note the sequence — grass,herb, gymnosperm
B. The same sequence occurs today — succession. A. First animal life is in the sea.
V. HERMENEUTIC — “Words in the Bible always mean the same thing unless we are specifically told that some use is being made of a title or a phrase.”
B. First warm blooded creature is the bird. C. Mammals come after the birds (cattle). D. Man is not on the scene yet. A. Baptizo means immersion
VI. GOD’S WORD IS TRUE — 2 TIM 3:16 – 17
B. Remes — Gen 9:3 — same word as Gen. 1:25-26. C. Behemoth, Leviathon in Job 40:15; 41:1 and Psalm 104:26 — Not a dinosaur. What response do you make to God's Word?
(More on this subject can be read in the booklet God's Revelation in His Rocks and in His Word.) THE BACK PAGEDO WE REALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLE?Over the past 25 years there has been a strong push in our culture to minimize the truthfulness of the Bible. Not only do people resist its teachings about sex, marriage, faithfulness, and the way to salvation, but its accuracy and truthfulness are challenged. As an atheist I read the Bible to find fault with it. I was not trying to learn anything, but rather I was trying to find mistakes. Because I was trained as a scientist, the mistakes I was looking for were factual scientific statements that I felt the Bible made that were clearly wrong. My atheist parents had quoted statements they heard preachers make that were clearly erroneous, and I was going to find those statements for myself by going back to the Bible and reading it for myself, using the original key words to back up the errors I was sure were there. The fact is that they were not there. Preachers have done a huge disservice to God's Word by ascribing things to the Bible that are not there. This morning's lesson is a demonstration of some of this. What I hope is that this lesson will not only boost your faith in God's Word, but that it will lead you to realize that what men say — even men who are religious leaders — is not always true. There is a great deal of attention being paid to a reconstruction of Noah's Ark near Cincinnati. The same group that built this replica has a museum not far away that is built on religious themes. People are paying $40 a head to go into these exhibits which claim to be based on God's Word, and they are presented with a large number of statements that are said to be biblical but which the Bible simply does not make. We have dealt with many of these in our classes, sermons, and this bulletin in the past. But many Christians and non-Christians alike believe that the Bible says things it does not say. Second Timothy 3:15 – 17 tells us that the Bible is given to us by God and that we can become complete, perfect by following its teaching. If we have doubts about it, if we believe it is full of mistakes, not from God, then we will not let it guide our lives. God's Word is true. Trust it — not human claims about it. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!Sign saying inspired by www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |