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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK TODAY: Please stay with us and enjoy a time of good food and good fellowship. TIMBERS SERVICE TODAY: Please join us at Timbers at 2:30 today when we have a worship service with the residents and staff at Timbers. We need singers and greeters. It is a great opportunity to serve people who in many cases are starving for attention and spiritual help. Give these folks one hour of your time! SPECIAL EVENT OCTOBER 16: We have been supporting Glynn Langston and his work with the blind for many years. Glynn will be here October 16, speaking at the Niles congregation in the morning and speaking here in the evening. If you are not in the habit of coming Sunday night for our class, please make a real effort to be here that Sunday evening to hear Glynn. We need to know how our financial support is being used, and Glynn is a wonderful person to be around. He speaks five languages, travels by himself all over the world, and having been blind since birth, he is a wonderful testimony to overcoming a physical affliction. Let us all make a real effort to be here that evening. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Do humans drive you crazy?
B. God has the same problem.
(John closed his lesson by referring to the song “ 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” which we had sung earlier in our worship service.)
THE BACK PAGELOOKING IN THE MIRRORI have actually made the statement, “I like doing church work, but people drive me nuts.” That statement was made when I was working with someone who had created their own problem, had it corrected by the church, and then they went back and did what got them into trouble in the first place, again! We preach and teach about God's plan for marriage and the beautiful union that the sexual relationship brings, but some parents oppose us and sexual immorality continues to be one of the major challenges that permeates every part of church work. We talk about recreation and how God expects us to use the money we have, and yet we continue to see people spend their money on sinful activities while the needs of the family are brought to the church. It is easy to sit back and criticize others, but my challenge is just like theirs. In this morning's lesson we are looking at cases in the Bible where the fickleness of humans is obvious. As I look at each of those cases I realize that I would be no better than they if I were in their situation. What would I do if a howling mob is asking me to deny Jesus or admit I am his disciple and die? What do I do when my faith is tested because it IS faith, and I like to be able to see before I commit to something. Have I gone back to the Bible to answer the questions about how we as a congregation will deal with the issues of our day? Has my wealth spoiled me so that things have a higher priority in my life than I am willing to admit? Do I support the church taking a stand on the moral issues of our day? Have I made a conscious effort to support unity and oneness? Michael Jackson had a song titled, “The Man in the Mirror,” and many singers have made recordings of it. I think its popularity is rooted in the fact that we all need to take a look at ourselves and resolve to work harder on being what God wants us to be. Romans 7:24 asks, “Who shall rescue me from this body of death?” Paul answers that question in chapter 8 by explaining God through Christ can do that, but we have to be willing to look in the mirror. God's Word is a mirror that can help us do that. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |