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FAMILY NEWSTHANKS to Larry Fox for fixing the heat ducts throughout the building. This has been needed for a very long time, and Larry has done a great job in getting it done. He has also helped the ladies in the “clothes for kids” work with some construction work. What a talent! Thanks, Larry! CLOTHES FOR KIDS: Notice that the title has changed, because we are now providing underwear, socks, and sweat pants as well as coats. We now have an area in the basement where we stock these items. Our thanks to Brenda Reagan for getting us in touch with the schools on this. Tracey Brewer and Lana Fox have cleaned out the area under the steps and are organizing and stocking the items we will supply. Leon Forbes and Brenda Reagan will help us find where the needs are and deliver the supplies to the schools as we learn about needs. PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS — NO FOOD IN BASEMENT CLASSROOMS: Please do not send any food downstairs during the children's classes. The time is too short and we have kids with allergy problems. PLEASE! TODAY'S LESSON
A. I have a special needs child — Timothy.
1. We took Tim “as he was.”
B. Doomed to a life of trouble and special needs
2. “Baggage” was not obvious at birth. 3. After adoption baggage began to show up. He and us — rejected because of those needs
A. He was given a name — had an identity.
B. Once he was adopted he had an advocate. We ALL need an advocate.
C. Challenges did not go away — rules, rejection, pain.
Physical, emotional, spiritual needs have been met.
A. You came into this world “as is.”
1. You could have been “left at the hospita.l”
B. You could be “turned over to Satan.”
2. Galatians 3:28 applies to everyone. Luke 22:31; 22:3; Acts 5:3; 1 Corinthians 5:1 – 5; 1 Timothy 1:19
C. Doomed to a life in and out of trouble — 1 John 1:8 – 10A. Galatians 4:4 – 7
B. Ephesians 1:5 C. Romans 8:15-17 D. You have a new name — “Christian.” E. You have a new advocate — Jesus Christ — 1 John 2:1. F. You have a spiritual promise — 1 Corinthians 10:13. G. You have a promise of winning — Romans 8:28. A. Tim — birthday
B. Tim sharing Christ with others — all in his reach Part of a unique fellowship
C. Helps all of us with priorities, gratitudeD. YOU ARE A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD. Think what God can do with and for you!
THE BACK PAGELAST WEEK'S LESSON ON PRAYERLast Sunday's lesson on prayer brought a heavier than normal response from people who were present. Many of us have been influenced by Paul's instructions to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 14:34 where Paul tells us “Let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak; …” (KJV). Like any biblical question we need to look at who wrote the passage in question, who they wrote it to, why they wrote it, and how the people it was written to would have understood it. This chapter was written to a congregation in total chaos. Paul says in verse 23 that a visitor would have thought they were mad, demented, etc. (depending on what translation you have). In verse 28 in the same chapter Paul tells men to keep silence in the church and in verse 33 he tells us that God is not the author of confusion. To provide “decently and ordered” worship, some of us have to stop talking, and the chapter revolves around corporate worship and the fact that people should be learning and understanding while the service is going on. I have never heard of anyone telling women to keep silent in the song service, and men do submit to keeping silent in our worship when someone is speaking. Corporate prayer is not the same as private prayer. Most of the Bible's teaching about prayer is about private prayer. The Greek words we discussed primarily deal with private prayer. Jesus told us to go into our closet in this part of our prayer life — make it between you and God. We are to pray (deomai), meaning to tell God what we want (Matthew 9:38; Luke 21:36; Acts 4:31; and 8:22, 24, 31). We are to interrogate God (erotao — John 14:16; 16:26; 17:9, 15, 20). We are to express our wishes to God (euchomaiu — 2 Corinthians 13:7; James 5:16). We are to call for God (parah — Matthew 26:53; Mark 5:17, 18; Acts 16:9). We are to express our desires (proseuchomai — Matthew 5:44; 6:5, 6, 7, 9 — 80 times). Our private prayer can be with someone — our daughter, wife, husband, etc. This is not what Paul is talking about in Corinthians as he talks about the worship hour. It is about our walk with God and our loved ones. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!Sign saying from the song "Jesus Love Me" by Warner & Bradbury |