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FAMILY NEWSIN NEED OF PRAYERS: We have so many people fighting health issues that we do not have room to explain then all. We do encourage you to pray for these, and remember them with your calls and cards: Larry Fox — back problems; Tina Hoyt — chronic pain; Bill Salmons — surgery recovery Maelene Salmons — battling cancer; Willard Wall — recovery; Cindy Clayton — glaucoma; Rose & Howard Marlin — death in the family NATURAL CHILD RAISING MEETING: Another use that is being made of our building is that once a month on the third Thursday of each month ladies interested in natural methods and materials to use in raising children is being conducted. Mandy Wallace is the key person in this class, so see her if you have an interest in being a part of it. PROGRESS is being made on the Cass County Fair exhibit. A method has been found to have the cutouts made. Be sure to save the first week of August to help in our booth. THANKS TO TRACEY BREWER, who has been working with the blood bank on future use of our building. TODAY'S LESSON
1 Corinthians 3:16 – 17 — Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple”INTRODUCTION — The Biblical concept of the church is not brick and mortar. A. Acts 17:24 – 25
B. The temple to the Jews was where God dwelled. 1. People separated their lives from the temple.
C. Some similarities between their temple and ours2. People do the same thing today. A. Matthew 5:14 – 16
B. You cannot hide the Spirit if it is in your life. C. Galatians 5:22 – 26 A. John 2:14 – 16 — Why did Jesus do this?
B. We need to take care of the temple of God. 1. Throw out your money changers — drugs, etc.
2. 1 Corinthians 15:33 — Throw out what corrupts. A. Mark 12:42
B. Luke 18:18 – 27 — Whatever separates you from God — time, energy, priorities. A. Center of Jewish life
B. James 4:13 – 17 C. Is Sunday the only day you share with God? A. Mark 14:49
B. Luke 20:1 C. Spirit teaches us daily — Romans 8:16. D. Luke 10:20-21 — Have you learned anything today? 1. The Spirit will set up a temple of God in you.
2. You can throttle the Spirit — 1 Thessalonians 5:19. THE BACK PAGETHE BOOK OF ENOCHFrom time to time we get comments from students and skeptics about what is referred to in Jude 14 as a prophet who is called “the seventh from Adam”. He is mentioned in Genesis 5:18 – 24 where we are told he walked with God and that God took him directly so he did not die as the rest of us do. Hebrews 11:5 makes a reference to that passage and explains that Enoch did not see death but that he was translated by God. So did this great man of God write a book that should have been included in our Bibles but for some reason was not? Did Enoch reveal information that we need to hear and do not have available from any other source? First of all, we need to understand that while the book of Enoch is not available to us in Hebrew, it is available in other languages. There are 40 manuscripts of the book in the Ethiopic language, and fragments of it are available in Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. We do not have to guess at what Enoch believed, and some of what he believed was bizarre. Secondly, the fact that a source is quoted in the Bible does not mean that source should be in the Bible. When Paul spoke on Mars Hill (the Areopagus) he makes references to pagan writers who obviously would not be included in the Bible canon. Hebrews 11:35 makes reference to an account in 2 Maccabees 7 where a woman witnesses the martyrdom of her seven sons and is killed herself rather than denying their faith. Thirdly, the method by which the books that were to be included in the Bible excluded material like the book of Enoch. We need to realize that there are literally hundreds of documents that could have been used and included in the Bible, but the methods by which the books we have were selected were solid in scholarship and technique. Those of us who know less and do not have the tools available to us to make such decisions have to trust the scholarship of those who do have the knowledge and tools available. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!Sign saying by www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |