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FAMILY NEWSSTAY TODAY: This will be the last time Dane, Mok, and Deacon will be with us as tomorrow they move to Cleveland, Ohio, where Dane starts work March 5. We are having a potluck today after services to wish them success and a great start to a new life. We have lots of food, so stay and enjoy a good meal and good fellowship. POTLUCK AND TIMBERS NEXT SUNDAY: Whatever we do in this congregation, one thing we really do well is eat. Next Sunday we will have our usual monthly potluck, and after that we will conduct a worship service at Timbers. The Claytons will be gone, so we need everyone there who can possibly be there to support this good work. Plan to be a part of the activities next Sunday. KARL AND JULIE MARCUSSEN have resumed the worksheet updating us on who needs our prayers, our help, our support, our cards, and our phone calls. If you have not gotten one of the sheets, please see them. This is very useful and hopefully we can expand it to include addresses and phone numbers so we can all be active in serving one another. Remember to notify them by Saturday evening if you have an addition for the list. You can e-mail them at marcusen@michiana.org or text or phone Julie at 574-520-2957. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Prayer is a part of why God created us.
1. Job 1, 2, and 42:1 – 6
B. How do you pray? Is public prayer your model?2. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 — We are in a fight as well. 3. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – 26 4. All studies show prayer is a critical part of life. C. Is prayer talking with God or to God? A. How do you communicate with someone you love?
1. Why look in their eyes?
B. Romans 8:26b — The Spirit helps us in prayer2. Communication is feeling, receiving a message. 3. Psalm 46:10 — “Be still and know” — Why? A. Meditation is not just a Hindu practice.
B. David meditated — Psalms 48:9; 77:9; and 119:27; C. Let body language, environment shape meditation — 1 Chronicles 29:10 – 20. A. Disciples who had prayed all their life say: “How?”
B. Number 1 — Focus on giving glory to God — See David's (C-1) C. Number 2 — Pray for alignment with God — heart, desire. 1. Offer ourselves in submission.
D. Number 3 — Lay bare our lives — our desires, needs, wants.
2. 1 John 5:14 – 15 not James 4:2 – 3 1. Matthew 6:11 — Daily bread
2. Verse 12 — Forgiveness 3. Verse 13 — Not be put to the test — Jesus responds. A. Spend some time meditating. Sing Count Your Many Blessings, You Are the Song That
....I Sing. 1. Use props apod.nasa.gov.
B. Talk to God about your will and his — Philippians 4:6-7
2. Use God's Word — Psalms, Proverbs. 1. Thank God for your ministry, your congregation.
2. Think about your blessings and ministry — What can you do about these things? THE BACK PAGEWISDOM FROM THE SPIRITOur sermon this morning has been motivated by our class last Sunday night as we looked at the Proverbs that speak of God's use of the Spirit in understanding our heart. That study took us to 1 Corinthians 2:6 – 16. This passage makes a contrast between those who have the Spirit of God and those who do not. In verse 5 the Corinthian letter tells us that our “faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power.” You do not need an advanced degree from Harvard to be a Christian; in fact, that degree, which is the wisdom of men, might be a liability. First Corinthians 2:10 tells us that the Spirit searches all things including the deep thoughts of God. The next verse says that only we know what our thoughts are as humans and our soul is what allows us to be aware of what we think and relate it to what we do. So too, the verse says, does the Holy Spirit know the thoughts of God. Verse 14 tells us that people in the world will not be able to understand the things we talk about here because they have no “spiritual discernment.” It goes on and says the people in the world will look at what we practice and what we say is foolish. Why do we spend so much of our money individually and collectively in serving others? Why is our budget over 90% devoted to feeding people, providing coats for kids, meeting the needs of people who come to us for help, when, in fact, very few of those people ever even stop to say “thanks”? All of us could use the money for ourselves and something we would like to do or have. That is foolish to the world, but we have satisfaction in knowing that what we are doing is pleasing to God. The Spirit strengthens that belief and understanding. Acts 20:35 quotes Jesus as saying “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” How do you feel about that? Has the Spirit acted within you to actually make you rejoice when you are able to give, or, do you give because you feel you have to? When you pray, do you reach those times when you do not know what to ask for so you turn it over to the Spirit? If so, that is the wisdom from the Spirit. — John Clayton Our sign by the street!Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com |