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FAMILY NEWSFOOD BANK: This past week we served a record number of people (92). These are people from the community who did not have enough to eat, and with your contribution and generosity and the efforts of the Hoyts, Gibsons, and Tracey to get and distribute the food, we set a record for feeding the hungry. Read the article on Matthew 25 on the back cover. This is one of the things we CAN all be a part of. Providing requested food for Shults-Lewis and Camp Indogan is also a way we feed the hungry. Thanks for all who have helped with these efforts. THANKS to Shane Wallace and Richard Hoyt for grading, smoothing, seeding, and strawing the area that was torn up during construction. Shane did the heavy machine work and Richard worked with him Tuesday to seed and straw the bare spots. Hopefully the yard will be ready for the Family Fun Fair, but it also sends a message to our neighbors. THANKS to Karl Marcussen with support from several others, for putting in an alarm system and a battery support system to make sure when the power goes off our pumps still work, and there is a way to get generators on them to keep them running to avoid another flood. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — The old “Chicken Little” fable.
A. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 — What fable do you believe?
Our culture is full of fables — news, ads, TV, etc.
B. People today are like Turkey Lurkey, etc.
If it is said on the TV, it must be true.
C. Matthew 8:26 “Why are you fearful?”
1. Answer — “You of little faith.”
2. It is hard not to fear, but we should not be fearful. A. Matthew 17:14-17 — Disciples cannot cure the problem.
B. Faith and fear stop them. We can move mountains.
C. Matthew 14:27-33 — Peter walking on the water.
1. Verses 29-30 — “Why did you doubt?” Fear!
2. Have you walked on any water? A. 1 Kings 17:2-16
1. God has spoken to the woman, but not verbally.
B. Matthew 6:24-34 — Are we serving two masters?2. She did not have much — that is how God works. 3. Hebrews 13:5-6 C. Luke 12:16-21 — Rich man's plan. There is no retirement from God. A. What happened in Y2K?
B. What did the first century church do (Acts 2:44-45)? 1. Acts 4:34-35; 1 Corinthians 8:1-4
C. God's promises — Luke 6:38.
2. 1 Corinthians 16:2. See page 4. Giving is planned. 1. This is a grace (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
2. Acts 20:35 — Do we listen to Foxy Woxy? A. What scares you about being a Christian?
1. Peers? Family? Friends?
2. Failure? Are we afraid to trust God? THE BACK PAGEPREPARATION — MATTHEW 25One of the main themes of the New Testament is the teaching that life as a Christian is a life of preparation. In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us that the church is like ten virgins preparing for the bridegroom. The parallel is clear when he explains in verse 13 that he is the bridegroom and his Second Coming is the wedding. In the story five virgins prepared and five did not, with the five who did not being shut out of the marriage. We are to prepare for heaven, and not being prepared will exclude us from heaven. In the next verses (14 through 30) another kind of preparation is described. This time the master gives servants goods (talents). They did not get the same amount of talents, but when the master returned the servants gave a report of what they had done with what they had been given. One servant buried his talent. He was condemned, not because he had less to work with (that was also true of the man who was given two talents) but, because he did not take what he had and make something good come from it. The lesson is obvious — whatever God has given us, we are to use. We do not all have the same talent; but, if we sit on what we do have and do not use it, we will be condemned by God. Verses 31-46 describe the Judgment scene. People are welcomed into heaven or condemned to hell not on the basis of what they have said or claimed, but on the basis of what they have actually done. This is a personal thing — it is between you and God. The question that each of us needs to consider is what preparation we are making for the time when we die. Jesus makes it clear that how good we are at speaking, or memorizing, or writing articles like this one is not what he cares about. Jesus cares about what we DO! One of the main purposes of any congregation is to provide its members with opportunities to prepare for heaven. That not only means teaching and admonishing, but also providing practical ways to get involved. Right now our Family Fun Fair is just such an opportunity. Get involved! Be a part of our outreach to the people of our area! — John Clayton Our sign by the street! This sign's saying is from various places. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |