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FAMILY NEWSCLASS TONIGHT: Richard Hoyt is preparing more class sessions on the prophets, studying Elisha next, but we will resume our study of Proverbs tonight, focusing on women and their roles as Richard prepares for the resumption of his class. Join us! THANKS to Richard for all his hard work. He manages our highway cleanup we did Saturday. He has been managing the watering of the construction work so that the scars from it are almost totally healed. This has taken numerous trips from Niles to the building, and in addition Tina and Richard have been doing the mowing. Praise God we have workers like the Hoyts! ANNUAL SENIOR PICNIC THIS TUESDAY: Every year the group that meets at Claytons' on the third Tuesday of each month for Bible study and fellowship has a picnic. You are invited this Tuesday to enjoy this annual event — no matter whether you are a senior or not. We eat at 6:00 P.M. — grilled dogs of various kinds and drinks are provided. Bring a salad, dessert, side dish, or chips and join us for an evening with Christians from all over the Michiana area for food, fellowship, and a time of sharing and worship. See John for directions. For your GPS it is 1555 Echo Valley Dr., Niles. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Definition: “A sucession of sounds produced to stimulate a desired effect.”
I. WE ARE FREE FROM RELIGIOUS ENSLAVEMENT. A. Animals do not do these things.
B. Music expresses our soul — not just sex or warning. A. Genesis 4:21 — Jubal was the first musician.
B. By Genesis 31:27 — Instruments have evolved. C. Exodus 15:20-21 — Singing is taught. D. 2 Chronicles 20:28 — Wind instruments: trumpets. E. Ecclesiastes 2:8 — Professional musicians are employed. F. 1 Samuel 16:15-23 — Music therapy is functional. G. Lamentations 5:14 — Music is used as a welcome. H. Isaiah 23:16 — Sexual use of music. I. 1 Chronicles 15:16-29 — Choir and orchestra are used. A. Instruments were not used in the temple.
1. Each person engaged in personal praise to God.
B. Song of Solomon — first of 5 scrolls read at feasts.2. Psalms 12; 20; 38; 136; 118:1-4 were poems sung. A. Matthew 9:23 — Instruments used at wakes.
B. 1 Samuel 2:1-10 — Hannah's Psalm still used. C. Repeating of Psalms still today: Luke 1:46-48 and 2:29. Acts 2:25, 4:25, 13:33. A. In private, anything you wish - just like prayer — James 5:13
B. What we do in worship has a corporate purpose — 1 Corinthians 14:26; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 C. Meaning of words — all “admonishing one another.” 1. Song — odecmessage — Colossians 3:16; Revelation 5:9; 14:3
D. You are to participate, NOT observe. No spectators.2. Psalms — psalmos — praise — Acts 1:20, 13:33; 1 Corinthians 14:26 3. Hymns — hymnos — praise to God. 4. Spiritual songs — pneumatikos — psalm or ode. THE BACK PAGEARE YOU A SPECTATOR?When I was a child the idea of professional sports was virtually unheard of. Every neighborhood had a flat place where all the neighborhood kids played softball. There was also a rim fastened to a board and hung on a tree and we all played basketball. Flag football was for sissies and we played rough and tough tackle football with no pads or helmets. I do not remember anyone getting seriously injured, but for most of us sprains, cuts and bruises, and black eyes were considered to be a mark of pride. There was no television to watch a game, and big league baseball was confined to the really big cities like New York and St. Louis where the likes of Babe Ruth, Stan Musial, and Lou Gehrig resided. It was incredibly rare for any of us to be able to actually go and see a game. Boy, have times changed!! My wife can give you a complete bio of all of the big names in spectator sports, and prime time television is dominated by sporting events. Recently people in our area were talking about soccer and the U.S. women's team being the world champions. In my childhood days there were no women's sports and no soccer. It is hard to comprehend the financial implications of all this. A professional sports figure will be paid more for one game than I made in my entire life as a public school teacher. All of this is not inherently bad. Some figures like Lebron James, the basketball player, have used their incredible earnings to build and maintain a school for ghetto kids to help them work their way out of the enslaving poverty that they would otherwise experience. What is bad about all of this is that it has shaped our thinking about our personal involvement in life. We will go to a baseball game rather than play in one. We will watch professional tennis rather than play tennis. It has also affected how we think about church. In 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Paul tries to help the congregation in Corinth deal with the fact that everyone wanted to have a leadership role in the worship service. He even tells some members to keep quiet (verse 28-30) “so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.” In our world the opposite problem exists. Perhaps because of our experience with sports, etc., we want to make our church experience a spectator sport. We want to listen and not sing. We want to be excited about the skill of another person as they sing or play an instrument rather than open our heart to God and to one another. We want to hear an eloquent prayer rather than just talk to God with our brethren. We avoid class discussions because we do not want to appear to be ignorant. Come to class! Sing — no matter whether you can carry a tune or not. Participate in all we do! Get involved in the Lord's work and in worshiping God “in the Spirit and in truth.” Join us in our desire for unity and be a part of all of our activities. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |