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FAMILY NEWSPARKING LOT: We are having the parking lot resealed tomorrow. This is to fix the cracks and the weathering issues that go with any asphalt surface. If you come to the building anytime this week, DO NOT drive on the asphalt. You can come in on the neighbor's driveway and park on the grass. We will have construction tape across the entrance to remind you of this project.! NEXT SUNDAY, August 4, is the first Sunday of the new month. That means POTLUCK, so plan to stay and enjoy the food, the fellowship, and some quality time together. TIMBERS DEVOTIONAL is also next Sunday at 2:30 P.M. at Timbers Nursing home. We need singers, wheelchair pushers, and people to greet and encourage the staff and residents. SPECIAL THANKS to Richard Hoyt for filling in on short notice last Sunday. Richard always does a great job, but doing it with only 16 hours notice is a real challenge. REMEMBER THOSE WHO NEED A CARD, PHONE CALL, OR WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT FROM YOU. USE THE WEEKLY PRAYER LIST. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — 2 Chronicles 26
A. The history of Israel is typical of humans.
B. Galatians 3:24-25 — Our schoolmaster C. Old Testament is man's history, not God's will for us. D. Uzziah — a great example for us to profit by. A. 2 Chronicles 26:1-5 — Starts at age 16.
B. Verse 5 — Zechariah is his mentor. 1. We too need good counsel and to seek God.
2. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 A. 2 Chronicles 26:6-10
1. Brings security to Israel
B. Uzziah stays close to his roots (verse 10).
2. God has blessed America with security. We must not take America for granted.
A. 2 Chronicles 26:11-15
1. Power attracts all kinds of gainsayers.
B. Remember where what we have comes from.2. The church must resist exploitation. A. 2 Chronicles 26:16-19
B. Power always generates a need for more. Political examples abound.
C. The Christian model is completely different.
1. John 15:1-8 — The vine and the branches.
D. Can religion and worship generate or reflect pride?
2. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 — What purpose? 1 Corinthians 14:26 — Edifying
1. Acts 8 — Simon wants apostolic power.
2. 1 Corinthians 11:18-21 — Communion turns into a party. A. There are some things that money cannot buy — good health.
B. Jotham profited by Uzziah’s mistakes — chapter 27. THE BACK PAGEAPPLICATIONSToday's lesson hits home to me personally. I think all of us feel the pressure to have more. Our society pushes that on us with a constant barrage of advertising about what the “good life” is all about. My mail box is full of solicitation letters. I get tons of phone calls from people who want to sell me something to make my life better, and television promotes wonderful opportunities for more things and luxuries which are crafted to appeal to my desires. We are people blessed with great prosperity, and what we do with that prosperity is a challenge we all face. What especially gets to me are the pictures of the enormous needs to people in other parts of the world. Human greed and violence has left innocent babies and women without food, water and proper medical care. What can I do to relieve their pain? It is overwhelming when you look at all the places where war and political struggles for power have done horrible things to innocent people. Satan seems to be winning the war on every front. The answer to this challenge is a part of what the local church is about. As individuals we may feel very limited in what we can do, but as a congregation our resources can be greatly magnified. Uzziah was corrupted by his own personal power. Rather than accept his role and use his resources to meet the needs around him, he sought to extend his control into areas assigned to others. We are blessed here at Dowagiac not to be spending a large percentage of our money on this building or on financially supporting someone so they can serve us. We received a card from Shults-Lewis thanking us for the commodities that were donated in which they picked up this past week. We cannot individually take on the needs of children in the Michiana area, but we can be a part of those who can. We cannot individually provide food for those who are short on food in our area, but a significant portion of our contributions go to do that. These are all twenty-first century applications of the lesson of Uzziah. The peril of prosperity can be overcome by generous hearts. God bless you for your response to these good works. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |