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FAMILY NEWSNEW SUNDAY NIGHT CLASS. STARTING TONIGHT: Richard Hoyt will begin a study of the prophet Elisha. Richard is an expert on these Old Testament prophets and you will learn a lot. Be here at 6:00 P.M. for a great class study. FOOD FARE RECEIPTS SpartanNash donates money to the food pantry based on receipts from Family Fare. A $1000 donation was recently made and receipts are closing in for what would be a 4th $1000 donation since the program started. If you shop at Family Fare, please save your receipts for this purpose. If you have a question about this see Bill or Patty Gibson. SENIOR DEVOTIONAL TUESDAY: Everyone is invited to the monthly devotional at the Claytons' house. It is at 7:00 P.M. and all you need is your Bible. We have a time of sharing and singing and a short Bible study followed by refreshments and fellowship. We typically have 20 or so brothers and sisters from all over Michiana, so come and be a part of it. If you are using your GPS, their address is 1555 Echo Valley Drive in Niles. If you need directions see John or Cindy. WILLIE FRANKLIN IS COMING SEPTEMBER 28. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Leprosy - the “cancer” of the first century
1. Painful, incurable, feared, ugly — Leviticus 13-14
B. Leprosy parallels sin
2. Hansen's Disease today 3. Quarantine — the only solution. Medical definition 1. Leprosy — outer body. Sin — inner body
2. We control leprosy, but we do not eradicate it. A. People with it were unclean, separated from family.
1. Had to live “outside the camp” — Leviticus 13-14
B. Sin separates us.
2. Even garments and house were separated. 1. From God — in the garden and continues to now.
C. Sin affects our whole being — physically, mentally.
2. From the church — we quit attending. 3. Church cannot condone sin — 1 Corinthians 5:1-11. 1. Leprosy was not just a skin condition. Skin was a symptom, not a cause.
2. Sin affects us in deep ways, not just superficially. a. What entertains us.
3. Sin propels prejudice, hatred — 1 John 2:11.b. What we think about. A. Naaman — 2 Kings 5:1-17 — Notice purpose verse 15.
B. Being inbedded in sin is a hopeless state. 1. Addiction, product of sin. Need a “higher power.”
C. Jesus equated leprosy and sin — Matthew 8:2; 10:8; 11:5.2. Spiritual help does more than physical help. D. Like leprosy your sins follow you — Matthew 26:6. A. 2 Kings 5:10 — Naaman and the dumb requirement “Went away in a rage”.
B. Why does “baptism save us”? — 1 Peter 3:21 1. “I don’t see why,” “water salvation is dumb.”
2. Acts 2:37 — No one argues. 3. Romans 6:4 — God does it just as he did Naaman. THE BACK PAGESPENDING OUR MONEYWe as a congregation do not have a lot of money. None of us are rich and we are few in number. The flip side of this is that we do not have a mortgage on our property. The building and property is paid for and the building has been maintained and taken care of. The recent ground water problem was a huge expense, but hopefully that is a one time thing and no further cost of any size should be required. You have noticed that the parking lot has been resealed and striped so there should be no issue with our parking area. A new water pump has been installed so the hot water issue in the fellowship area and water pressure in the building has been taken care of. So where does the rest of our money go? If you want to have exact amounts, Bill Gibson is our financial officer and his books are always open. What I want you to understand is that whatever you give to the work of the church is being used. Unlike some congregations where a huge savings account is accumulated, our money does good things. The food pantry gets stocked by money we spend at the food bank. We are constantly providing families and individuals with food — not just once a month. We send a regular donation every month to Shults-Lewis for their Christian child services. We support the area prison ministry with a monthly donation, and that program is incredibly productive. We send monthly support to Glynn Langston who works with the blind all over the world. In addition to these regular monthly donations we have special situations in which we meet needs of individuals or families. Providing gas for someone who cannot afford it or sending flowers from the congregation to someone who has had a death in their family are regular expenses. Providing support for Literacy Ministries in Africa through Jacob Nhenga who spoke here recently has been done. Special efforts such as our youth rally September 28 with Willie Franklin is another special events expense. We desperately need to make some more purchases. We do not have a reliable tool to mow the yard with. Some work needs to be done on the sign. But be assured that your money is being used and not just sitting. Praise God! — John Clayton Our sign by the street!
Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |