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FAMILY NEWSTODAY IS SEPTEMBER 1, the first Sunday of the month, so we will have our monthly potluck. Please stay and enjoy the food we have brought and let us talk about plans for the future (see THE BACK PAGE below). After the meal we will have our monthly devotional at Timbers nursing home at 2:30 A.M. Come early and support a time of worship with the residents and staff there. NEW SUNDAY NIGHT CLASS CONTINUES TONIGHT: Richard Hoyt is continuing a study of the prophet Elisha. Richard is an expert on these Old Testament prophets and you will learn a lot. Be here at 6:00 P.M. for a great class study. LADIES PRAYER BREAKFAST is September 14 at the congregation in Grandville. If you are interested, the information is on the bulletin board. There is also a “Ladies Day breakfast and lunch” at the Goshen Church of Christ on September 28. If you are an adult or teen lady, these programs are for you. We can car pool if there is interest. See Cindy Clayton if you have an interest in attending. THANKS to Tina Hoyt and her assistant Richard for mowing the grass this past week. With Tina's physical problems she set quite an example for all of us. TODAY'S LESSON
A. 125th Anniversary — 70 hour work week was average
1909 — Labor Sunday instituted.
B. God designed man physically, emotionally to work (Genesis 2:15).C. God's people are called to be willing workers. 1. 1 Timothy 6 — Paul dealt with work and money.
2. Christians — Be willing workers where they are. A. Solomon — Ecclesiastes 1:17-2:18
B. Nehemiah — Nehemiah 4:16-21 C. Noah — How long to prepare the ark? D. Moses — How long to get to the promised land? E. Paul — 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12 A. Proverbs 6:9-11
B. Proverbs 26:16-17 C. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 A. Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
B. If you do what you love, you never get bored. A. Philippians 2:12 — Know where you are spiritually.
B. Romans 2:5-11 — God does not dump salvation on us. C. Matthew 25:33-40 — Things (work) for us all to do. D. LIVING FAITH IS A DOING FAITH! — James 2:14-20 — Not doing is dead. A. Salvation is not labor — it is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).
B. Baptism is not a work — it is done to you. C. It is always up to us to accept a gift. D. Will you accept God's gift and then live as he calls you to? John 1:4-10 — The gift keeps on giving.
THE BACK PAGEWHERE DID THE SUMMER GO?It is hard to believe that it is September already, but here we are. It was a productive summer for the Lord's work in this area. Our Family Fun Fare went well with a record number of people on our property. The Food Bank has grown with our serving nearly 100 people in the community and with increasing numbers of people calling us who know we help people by providing them with food. We completed the construction project that addressed the water problems that threatened the security of our building, and the yard is almost totally healed from all that was done. We now have adequate pressure in our water lines so that we can better use our facility in the fellowship area. Our work at Timbers and the number of visitors we are having at both our classes and our worship services have grown. We have more and more children coming to our Bible classes, and we have several families with children and grandchildren that are coming with increased regularity. There is a lot to encourage us and to stimulate us to do more and to expand our efforts. As the days get shorter and the weather cools as we head into fall, we need to work on our coat give away to children who are facing a cold winter without adequate protection against the cold. Several of our ladies have been buying coats, and hopefully we will secure some more so that we can help children in our area. We are working on having Willie Franklin here in October to provide encouragement and instruction to young people in our area. We are hopeful that we will be able to work with other congregations in the area to provide a singing to unite and bring us all closer to each other and to God. One of the challenges we face is to “not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:9-10). We not only need to continue our service to the area like our highway clean up, the coat give away, and the food bank; but we need to think about the opportunities fall and winter provide us to minister to the people in our area and to members of the church who need help. We need suggestions. What special classes, programs, teaching for all ages should be added to what we are doing? Bring your thoughts and ideas out and let us do some planning for this winter. We cannot just sit still and keep house. Jesus calls us to serve and teach. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from an entry on Facebook Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |