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FAMILY NEWSHELP is needed for Samantha Wheeler to go to the Dominican Republic as a mission outreach to assist in eye surgeries. To donate, give a check written to the Dowagiac Church of Christ to Bill Gibson and write on it “Dominican Republic” for tax purposes and the money will go to Sam's expense fund. This needs to be done this week. ADULT CLASSES: Richard Hoyt has been teaching us on Sunday night at 6:00 P.M. about how we can know that the Bible we have is the complete and accurate will of God. We have been seeing pictures of his visit to Crete and the beliefs of believers there. Our Wednesday night class is starting 2 Timothy and Sunday morning is continuing the video series of understanding the message of the Old Testament. You are missing a lot if you are not coming to these classes. We all need to grow in our knowledge of God's Word. WE HAVE WATER. Sorry for the inconvenience last Sunday, but the screen had to be changed on our well. That was a $1,200.00 cost, but it has been fixed and we are told our well is good and that we should have no more problems. Having a building is expensive, because things wear out. Our thanks to Bill Gibson for getting this fixed. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Getting old is a blessing from God. We are to use our blessings.
B. The Bible gives us advice and counsel on real living. 1. John 10:10
C. Six biblical suggestions about abundant living:2. We do not just endure life. A. Philippians 3:12 — None of us has “arrived.”
B. Verse 9 — mistranslation. Faith “of” Christ, not “in.” C. Paul grew for years — Galatians 1:17-18. D. We have tools available — pick up a registration. A. Acts 18:24-26 — Apollos — Preacher needed help.
B. John Mark made a mistake — Acts 13:13. 1. Paul made another one — Acts 15:37-39.
2. 2 Timothy 4:11 — Paul realizes his mistake, corrects it. 3. Book (the Gospel) of Mark is by John Mark. A. Jewish method of teaching — Synagogue
B. Acts 17:19 — Paul at the Areopagus. 1. Where is our Areopagus? Being online.
2. doesgodexist.org, doesgodexist.tv A. 2 Corinthians 12:2-9 — Paul is not understanding.
B. Acts 18 — Apollos was willing to be challenged. C. Our classes — Sunday at 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. A. Genesis 32-33 — Jacob and Esau.
B. Genesis 45:4-5 — Joseph and his brothers. C. Paul and Barnabas over John Mark — 2 Timothy 4:11. D. Jesus and Peter — John 21:7. John 21:15-17 — Peter’s response to Jesus A. You cannot retire from God!
B. 2 Timothy 4:6-22 — Are you fighting a good fight? C. Matthew 25:31-46 THE BACK PAGENEVER QUIT LEARNINGThere is an old saying that “You can't teach an old dog new tricks.” I am told by friends of mine who train dogs that the statement is not true, but whether it is true of dogs or not, it is not true of human beings. One of the things that I have enjoyed doing in my ministry through the years is giving presentations on science and faith to retirement centers or senior learning centers. For most of the people who come to my presentations the information is new and there is great enthusiasm for learning and growing. For over 30 years now I have worked with a group called “The Golden Agers.” This is a group made up of seniors who have campers and travel as a group to a mission point and work with a mission congregation for a week or two or for longer periods helping with physical projects and conducting VBS programs and classes. Most of these folks are well over 65. We have even had some of them work with us here in Dowagiac many years ago. Every year at York College in York, Nebraska, there is a program called “Round Up” which is a week of classes and activities for senior members of the church. Most of the people stay in dorms and eat in the college cafeteria. The classes are challenging and deal with new understandings of scripture and new methods of reaching out to people in the community. We will be going there again this next May to be a part of classes talking about our ministry. What have you learned in the past week that you did not know before? What are your plans for the future? Do they include learning and expanding your understandings? A part of learning is being active in our communities and in the work of the church in other places. I am thankful that Samantha Wheeler has challenged us to help her go to the Dominican Republic and serve people who live in difficult circumstances and who need eye care they have been unable to get in the past. How about you? What work are you interested in doing? In our lesson this morning we are talking about life. It is very easy to fall into a routine that is easy and safe and requires a minimum of energy. We can go through the motions of life including coming to worship every week and not grow or learn in any way. PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT. Pray for the Lord to open doors for you to a new work and an active role in something that involves serving others. You can take one of the free correspondence courses that we can match to your understandings and experience. We have eleven courses ranging from very basic Bible understandings to college-level lessons. We have courses dealing with substance abuse, apologetics, applying Christianity to our lives or book studies. Pick up the registration form we have available today, fill it out and give it to John Clayton or Karl Marcussen and the course will be sent to you. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying for our street sign is from various Internet sites. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |