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FAMILY NEWSNEXT SUNDAY: We have mentioned several times that there will be no classes this coming Wednesday or the Wednesday after that. December 25 and January 1 are typically family times with a lot going on and many of our number will be traveling to be with family over the holidays. We will have our normal schedule next Sunday with Bible Class at 10:00, worship at 11:00 AM, and Bible class at 6:00 PM. We would urge everyone to plan to attend these classes. The classes are discussion classes where people are free to bring up concerns, questions, or misunderstandings. You can grow and mature in your faith and knowledge of God's Word by being a part of the educational program of this congregation. Start 2020 with a new resolve to be a part of all of our classes. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Much is said about the meaning of Christmas.
B. Many “why” questions are not answered. 1. Why did God become flesh? (John 1:14)
2. Why was Jesus tempted as we are? (Hebrews 4:15) 3. Why the place, the people and the timing? A. Nazareth — Lower Galilee outside main life — John 1:46.
B. Bethlehem was the city of David, but Jesus was an alien there. C. Romans had control of everything. 1. John 19:10 — Jesus and Pilate
D. Why did God not come to man in a prosperous place and time? — Matthew 9:12-13.2. Jesus lived under Roman laws — Matthew 5:14. A. Matthew 1:18-19 — What would you do? What would people believe?
B. Look at the strength of Mary — Luke 1:28-34 and verse 38. C. Look at the strength of Joseph — Matthew 1:20. Would that be enough for you? A. MOHAMMED
1. Rich military leader who married into money.
2. Military techniques were used to establish the “church.” 1. A prince of a Hindu family
2. First saw suffering as a young adult. Retired to a monastic life. A. Jesus understood and has compassion on all humans — 1 Corinthians 10:13.
V. ARE YOU IN A TIME OF NEED? WHERE DO YOU GO? 1. We will not say “Lord, you do not know how it was.”
B. People in Jesus' day knew He knew what He was talking about — Matthew 7:28.2. Jesus was not insulated from the real problems of all of us. C. You cannot have a problem that Jesus does not understand — Hebrews 4:15-16. 1. I have no money — Jesus had nothing but his cloak.
2. I was born on the wrong side of the tracks. So was Jesus. 3. I was an illegitimate child. There is no such thing. Mary and Joseph's hearts were known to God.
THE BACK PAGECONGREGATIONAL MEETINGThe year 2019 was quite a year for this congregation. We have worked hard to maintain our outreach to the community, but Satan hit us hard with physical problems to our facility. It may not have been clear to everyone how threatened we were when water problems caused the walls in the basement to crack and sag. There was even some consideration of abandoning the property, but experts assured us that the problem could be solved if we were willing to make the necessary investment. The consensus was that we needed to stay where we are because we have so many works in the community, and no alternative was free of expense and maintenance. We will have a final figure for the work that was done in a congregational meeting, but it was in excess of $30,000. Having this building in good condition and a number of projects operating has been the product of massive amounts of time invested by a handful of men and women who have put us in excellent condition to use what has been done and grow. One other physical issue that needs to be resolved is how to handle the mowing of the grass and care of the gardens. We need to maintain our property so that neighbors and visitors are not turned away by the property's appearance. For the past several years we have used a donated tractor to care for the yard. That tractor is worn out, and the Gibsons and Wallaces have had to use their own equipment many times to take care of the mowing. We either need to hire a lawn service or buy a tractor that any of us could use to avoid what happened in 2019. Here is a list of outreach events that we have done in the past. Some of these we did not do in 2019. We need as a congregation to decide whether we want to do them in 2020 or not. If we are going to do them we need to set a date to do some of them.
I am sure there are other possibilities — like the flower give away we did. Bring whatever ideas you have when we announce the congregational meeting. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |