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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday is January 5, 2020, and being the first Sunday of the month we plan to have our usual potluck. I am told the theme for the potluck is “What Mother Used To Make.” My mother was not much of a cook and I do not think incinerated pork chops would go over very well, but some of you probably have better memories of Mom's cooking than I do. In any case, bring a favorite old family recipe if you can, and if not, fake it. TIMBERS NEXT SUNDAY AT 2:30 P.M.: Bring your voice and some enthusiasm and let us enjoy another half hour with our friends at Timbers. (Note: Timbers was in lock-down due to the flu season, so we did not conduct the worship service.) NO DEVOTIONAL THIS MONTH: Our usual third Tuesday devotional at the Claytons' will not be held this month. Between darkness and weather we feel it is better not to try to have the night sessions. We will have the brunch at Golden Corral on January 7 at 11:00 AM. PLANS.: I hope everyone will read through last week's bulletin carefully. Later this month we plan to have a congregational meeting to talk about the future. Which of the ministries we are engaged in right now do we wish to drop and which do we wish to continue or perhaps even expand? Are there some new ministries we need to be involved in? Read through the list in last weeks's bulletin. Acquaint yourself with what is being done. If you need a copy of that report, see me (John Clayton). TODAY'S LESSON
A. Are you ready to start the 2nd decade of the 21st century?
B. The world is changing and we have a tendency to fight change. C. What is the title of your Bible after hearing the history of Israel? 1. Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20.
2. Greek word is “kainos” meaning new, fresh, recent! 3. Are you ready for newness? A. Jesus and the Jews as Moses' disciples — John 9:28
II. NEWNESS INVOLVES CHANGING — The New Testament was radical.
B. Jesus gave new answers to old ways — Mark 10:4 and Genesis 2:24. Radically changed the view of what women were — partners, not property.
C. Galatians 3:28 — A new message — opposed then and now. A. 2 Corinthians 3:6
1. There is no place for legalism in the New Testament church.
B. We have a New Commandment that replaces old ways.
2. We are not governed by a bunch of laws. 3. Hebrews 10:20 4. Hebrews 8:8-12 2 John 1:5 — Our greatest challenge — to care about others, even our enemy.
C. We become a new man or woman — 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 4:24.A. 2 Peter 3:13
B. The Book of Revelation talks about a whole NEW existence: 1. Revelation 3:12 — The new Jerusalem;
2. Revelation 5:9; 14:3 — The new song; 3. Revelation 21:4-5 — The new life. A. Give up the old which has not and does not work.
B. Make a commitment to change 1. Baptism is a rebirth to start over — the past is gone.
2. God's Spirit helps us — Acts 2:38 — “The gift of the Holy Spirit.” THE BACK PAGEHOW DO I KNOW WHO IS RIGHT?In our Bible studies on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening we have had some discussion about the teachings of other religious groups in the area and why we differ with them. This question is huge. It is not just a matter of doctrine, but also a matter of how our faith is expressed. Why we do what we do, how often we do it, and why we do not do what we see other religious groups in the area doing is a major issue for all of us. We chose to spend over $30,000 this past summer to stay in this building on this property. If what we are about is not 100% right, then why waste $30,000? That is not to say we are perfect, that we have nothing to learn, that no one else is doing anything right or anything like that. God is the judge, not us. Are we justified in existing as a separate religious entity in the area in which we exist? Let me point out four things that I believe justify our existence:
We see these things as unique to what we call “The Restoration Plea.” The church we read about in the Bible had these same characteristics. Acts 2 tells us that the first century church of Christ had a good reputation and had great favor with ALL the people. We strive to do that as well. The first century church focused on the Bible, not on personal attacks on others. When immorality was present they taught what God's will was on moral issues. When false teachers came into their midst they used the Bible to counter destructive doctrines, but it was always done with care and with compassion and gentleness. The history of Christianity in America is deplorable. Hypocrisy, greed, control, exploitation, power struggles, and political manipulation have happened over and over, but that has always happened because men and women did not rely on the Bible as their one source of information, guidance, and motivation. Human weakness is always a problem, but if the four things listed above are held to, the collateral damage from a single person veering off into self serving activities is minimal. Forty percent of the American public says “none” when asked their religious affiliation. People are disillusioned and disgusted with denominationalism. We believe the time is ripe for the “restoration plea” and we urge you to join us in spreading this message to our friends and neighbors in the Dowagiac area. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |