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FAMILY NEWSTIMBERS NOTES: We have had several of the folks at Timbers send us notes or tell us personally how much they appreciate our coming to Timbers and having a worship service which includes communion with them. Vivian Patterson sent a personal note saying “Thank you deeply for your concern for me.” Several members of the church are in Timbers and come to our services, including Debbie Salmon's father. Thanks to those of you who come and support our efforts at Timbers. It is making a difference. SPECIAL DAY on MAY 26: We need 20 workers to be here on the 26th for a community food give away. Everyone can help with this, but we need the workers to greet and hand out the food. Save the date. We need you! AREA-WIDE WORSHIP: “The East Main church in Benton Harbor is having an area-wide get-together for singing, fellowship, and a message from God's Word on Sunday, March 29, at 2:00 P.M. We encourage everyone to go and support this effort at unity. Light food will be served.” The address of the building is 1451 E. Main St., Benton Harbor. HIGHWAY CLEAN UP: The first highway clean up for 2020 is April 18-26 — probably the 18th. Last time we were outnumbered by visitors. Let’s have a big turn out for this one. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Please read THE BACK PAGE below.
B. What is your reaction to you being a “minister?” A. Matthew 14:13-14
1. Disciples see the need — Matthew 14:15.
B. Acts 12:5 — Peter in prison, church praying.
2. Matthew 14:16 — Jesus says, “You feed them.” ARRRGH!
1. Acts 12:9, 13 — Peter, Rhoda
C. Philippians 4:13 — Do you believe this?2. Acts 12:16 — The disciples are astonished at an answered prayer. Are we? Do not explain away prayer. A. Matthew 28:19 — Sell out and go to the Congo?
Literal: “Therefore, wherever you go, preach the gospel.”
B. Personal — God did not call me to do my ministry.
1. Everyone opposed me. 2. People will oppose you, and this includes church members, family, etc. A. LYDIA — Acts 16:14, 40.
B. MARY AND MARTHA — John 11. C. AQUILA AND PRISCILLA — Acts 18:3 D. MARY MAGDALENE — Luke 8:2; Mark 16:9 E. These are not the “big guns.” A. 1 Corinthians 3:5-11
1. Applies to every relationship we have in life.
B. The story of Adria in Colombia:
1. We do not have to be pushy.
C. Luke 11:23; Matthew 12:30; 2 Corinthians 5:18-202. We have what people want and need. A. Matthew 25:31-40 — Ministries. B. John 21:15-22 — We do this in communion.
Do you love me? Feed my sheep. THE BACK PAGEARE YOU A MINISTER?We have some strange ideas about what a minister is. When you read the title of this article, what is your gut reaction to it? Do you say to yourself, “We don't have a minister?” Do you put someone else's name down? Most people not only have an individual that they would call their minister, but they also may have a title in front of the person's name — like Reverend or Pastor. In the Church of Christ we do not have a title that elevates any one person above anyone else. The term “brother” is, or at least should be, applied to everyone who is a Christian. We have had a tendency to do what our denominational friends do and appoint one man to be a quivering mass of availability. That one person is expected to teach, preach, administer, visit, evangelize, do bulletins, counsel, perform weddings and funerals, etc. This past week Cynthia Salmons and the Salmons family demonstrated a ministry to the television audience on WSBT in South Bend, Indiana. The Greek word for “minister” is diakonos. Jesus said in Mark 10:42-43*, “You know that in the world the recognized rulers lord it over them and make them feel their authority. But it shall not be so among you, whoever wants to be great must become the servant of you all.” The Salmons have made a home for veterans who otherwise would not have a home. They care for them, help them, and support them regardless of race, age, or financial condition. We enjoy having them with us, but that was not a condition of the Salmons taking care of them. You can see the program on Cynthia Salmon's Facebook page, or you can go to the address below. See Karl if you need help doing this. This is a ministry. Samantha Wheeler going to the Dominican Republic to help with optical service was a ministry. Tracey and Lana's work with the “Coats for Kids” is a ministry. Those who work with the food pantry are ministers. In the community it is the work of the members of the church that bring glory to God and encourage others to separate themselves from the world and participate in being ministers. If you are not into a ministry, please get involved. The fields are ripe for harvest (John 4:35). Here is a link to this report (https://wsbt.com/news/local/veteran-foster-care-program-gives-senior-veterans-a-home-and-family?fbclid=IwAR0pUTZ63c7O498r-Hgyc_2AnJEZG8hht_KHbt8YWOXz-dBOLLZ1CC9XcGQ). — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying is from a church sign we saw on one of our trips. *Vaughan, Curtis, General Editor. The New Testament from 26 Translations. Grand Rapids, Mich., Zondervan Publishing House, 1967. www.dowagiaccoc.org |