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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSTHE FOOD TRUCK on Tuesday, May 26, was a huge success. See THE BACK PAGE below for more about what went on. Cindy and I were the first two people that our visitors met as they drove into our parking lot. Over and over I had people ask about the church and who we are and why we were out in the heat providing food. Jim Harasewicz who was the third person people met commented to me that this was the best evangelistic effort that he had seen in a long time. The fact that Tina Hoyt was the primary director of the program showed our visitors that we are not a typical denomination run by a cleric. As the carts went around the truck getting the food it was interesting that we had teenagers, seniors, and everything in-between involved, most of whom were women. Our diversity, good spirit, and desire to serve gave a great message to our visitors and to the city of Dowagiac. REMEMBER — ZOOM SERVICES SUNDAY AT 11:00. If you need help getting on with your computer or phone call Karl Marcussen at 574-514-1400. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: Have you ever said, (or felt) “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
A. Matthew 27:46 — you have good company.
B. Unfortunately much false teaching is out there. 1. “This is God's revenge.” Read James 1:13.
C. This is not unique — Born in 1900?2. “This is the beginning of the plagues” in Revelation 9 — Dispensationalism. D. Leprosy and COVID-19 A. Genesis 1:31 — “It is very good.”
B. God told man that there were “unclean” things. 1. Genesis 9:2-4
C. For life to exist things are necessary that can be misused — drugs, foods, sex.2. Leviticus 11:1-47 and Leviticus 13-15; also Deuteronomy 14
A. Acts 15:28-29 — From Holy Ghost four things to avoid:
1. All spiritual connections to idolatry — meats, too.
B. Colossians 2:14-16 does not condone these things.
2. Religious condoning of sinful behavior. 3. Fornication of all kinds. 4. Blood (strangling, too). 1. “Handwriting of ordinances,” not lifestyle choices.
C. Acts 10:9-16 — Peter and the sheet.
1. Peter — two things — “common” and “unclean” 2. Common is ordinary — like everyone else. 3. Unclean (akathartos) is defiled, impure.
a. Mark 1:23, 27
4. God cleansed (Cornelius — a Gentile).b. 2 Corinthians 6:17 5. Christians are not bound by “handwriting of ordinances” — We can convert anyone. A. Right where he has always been — Matthew 24:3-13. B. Psalm 23 — Read it with me. THE BACK PAGEBEHIND THE SCENESIf you came to the building Tuesday afternoon and participated in the unloading of the truck and the distribution of the food you might not understand all of the work that went into making this whole project possible. In order for us to have all of this food, we were certified through Action Ministries in Dowagiac who managed the food from “Feeding America.” Patty Gibson and Tina Hoyt took classes and were certified as food handlers so we could do this. Richard Hoyt and Tracey Brewer secured help of 31 volunteers including six National Guardsmen. Twenty of the 31 volunteers were from our congregation. We served 88 families with some of them having as many as nine family members. In the biblical record we see glimpses of behind the scenes activity that made things work. In Luke 8 we see Jesus going from one village and/or city to another and preaching about the kingdom. In Luke 8:2-3 we see that there were a group of women who made it possible for Jesus to do this. They not only took care of logistics and arrangements, but they did so “of their own resources.” In Luke 10:38-42 we read the story of a woman named Martha who welcomed Jesus into her house and did the behind the scenes work while Jesus taught. We all know about her complaining to Jesus that Mary, her sister, was not helping and having Jesus tell her that Mary was dealing with a more important issue — following the teachings ot Christ. Jesus did not denigrate what Martha was doing but emphasized that spiritual issues sometimes need to take priority. The disciples were all about working behind the scenes to make things happen. In Matthew 21:1-6 they secure a donkey with her colt. In John 4 we see them going into Samaria where Jesus has the amazing dialogue with the Samaritan woman and we find in Matthew 21:1-8 that the disciples went into town to get food. In the early church there was a need to care for more logistical help in caring for widows. In Acts 6:1-7 we are told there was a “daily ministration” that was of such urgency that the apostles assigned seven men to handle the needs. A lot of work, prayer, preparation, and time was spent before the big truck rolled in Tuesday and the long line of cars was served as people were ministered to by the M51 Church of Christ. Our thanks to all of you who worked behind the scenes to make this a huge success! — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |