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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSFIREWORKS AT GIBSONS': Bill and Patty are having their annual fireworks at the campground this Saturday at “dark-o-clock.” Bring a lawn chair, bug spray, and enjoy the show. No picnic this year. REMEMBER — ZOOM SERVICES SUNDAY AT 11:00. HIGHWAY CLEAN UP IS JULY 18. PLAN to be with us at 9:00 A.M. SHULTS-LEWIS COMMODITY DRIVE: Shults-Lewis has moved our date to October for them to pick up the commodities to use in their work with children. Our commodities are paper towels and canned fruit. We encourage you to get these items when you can and eventually get them to the building. If no one is there when you come, put them on the pew in the lobby of the auditorium. POWER FOR TODAY: The quarterly booklet Power for Today for July, August, and September has arrived. I tried to give one to everyone working at the food truck project, but if you did not get one let me know and I will get a copy to you — John Clayton at 269-687-9426. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: What we are experiencing is what the first century church dealt with constantly.
A. The cause was different, response the same.
I. THE TEMPLE NEEDED LIGHT — Lanterns in the past.
B. To the Jews the temple was where God was found. 1. Led people to think God was removed from life.
C. Acts 17:24-25 — a radical view! Even today.
2. David and Bathsheba — how did he do that? 3. God is NEVER left at the door. People today leave their morality at the building.
D. Racial issues are rooted in this misconception.
1. Black, white, yellow, gender — lives DO matter.
E. Temple characteristics should be seen in us.2. Prejudice is hating and rejecting God — Galatians 3:28. A. Matthew 5:14-16 — You cannot hide your light if it is real.
B. Galatians 5:22-26 — Am I in step with the Spirit? A. John 2:13-25 — Corruption of the temple.
Priests — not in the stockyards, they are ripping off.
B. Take care of your temple — 1 Corinthians 15:33. A.Mark 12:42 and Luke 18:18-27
Make a sacrifice — give up your created things.
B. Not just about money — time, energy, priorities. A. James 4:13-17 — Do we believe this?
A. Mark 14:49 — Jesus was with them EVERY day.
B. Luke 20:1 C. Romans 8:16 — If our temple is there, the Spirit functions D. Luke 10:20-21 — PhD means “post hole digger.” E. This is a promise of God — Acts 2:38. F. You can strangle (quench) the Holy Spirit — 1 Thessalonians 5:19. THE BACK PAGEWHAT IS GOD'S WILL?One of the struggles that we all have with our relationship to God is understanding why negative things happen. Some say, “This is God's will” in response to the COVID-19, but when your loved one dies, that is not much help. Why does God allow someone like our brother Jim Harasewicz who has already experienced some challenging and painful experiences to find out he has pancreatic cancer? Why should a young mother have a severe illness and die? Anyone who says they have all the answers is a liar because none of us do. There are some clues in scripture. Four different Greek words give us some help:
I hope you will take some time to read through these passages and think about how they are different, although in some cases, they may overlap. It seems that the will of God has three primary connotations: Purpose, desire, and permission. Some of us were taught a determinist view of God. God's determining will is seen as universal and all-inclusive. One writer has said, “God has a predetermined plan for every life. It is that which will happen. It is inevitable, unconditional, immutable, irresistible, comprehensive, and purposeful. It includes everything — even sin and suffering.” Your career, marriage, friends, sicknesses, accidents, income, etc., are all part of God's determined will but are not revealed to you ahead of time. We will discuss this and why it is NOT valid in our next bulletin. Stay tuned. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |