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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSREMEMBER — ZOOM SERVICES SUNDAY AT 11:00. If we are meeting under the trees, the ZOOM services will still be held. OUR THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED IN THE HIGHWAY CLEAN UP JULY 18-. SHULTS-LEWIS COMMODITY DRIVE: Shults-Lewis has moved our date to October for them to pick up the commodities to use in their work with children. Our commodities are paper towels and canned fruit. We encourage you to get these items when you can and eventually get them to the building. If no one is there when you come, put them on the pew in the lobby of the auditorium. PRAYER SHEET: The sheet that Julie Marcussen prepares of people who need prayers, cards, visits, etc. will be passed out at our “Under the Trees” services. If you are not at the services the sheet will be included with the bulletin which will be mailed to you if you are local. This will allow us to be more current. Please contact Julie (574-520-2957 or juliewm@michiana.org) if you have some additions that need to be made to the prayer list. TODAY’S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Next several months will be chaotic.
A. How would Christ have me conduct myself?
1. Not who to vote for
B. What happens without politics? Judges 17:6
2. Not anti-America or anti any political party 1. The secular world needs order — even if corrupt.
C. Romans 12:9-13:7 — The Christian in a pagan world.
1. No biblical command or condemnation .
D. Mark 12:13-17; Matthew 22:17-22
2. John 19:11 a. In his own time God provides. b. Pilate — a Roman pagan ruler 1. “Why do you put me to the test?”
2. “No” means the Romans arrest him. 3. “Yes” puts him at odds with Moses. A. Separate the spiritual from the physical!
B. The Jews and a lot of people today miss this. 1. Same chapter — the debate over husbands.
2. What does it mean to “be like angels”? A. Ephesians 6:12 — Who is the enemy?
B. Titus 3:1 — What is the role of Christians? C. Remember God is still working — Acts 5:33-42. Acts 23:23-35 — How does God act? A. Luke 7:3-10 — Look at verse 6.
B. Acts 10:1 — Cornelius — a centurion of Italian Band. C. John 3:1-10 — Nicodemas — see John 19:39 D. Luke 23:50-53 — Joseph of Arimathaea E. James A Garfield — 20th President, a brother in Christ A. Separate the spiritual and the physical.
1. Honor and use the law
B. Titus 3:12. Be a good citizen. THE BACK PAGEOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTUREThe current situation is new to all of us. Those of us that have been through a number of wars had a whole different situation than what we are facing today. In the past the war was being fought somewhere else. Those of us that were in the armed forces knew who the enemy was and where the enemy was located. When we were in the security of our homes, our workplace, or our church services we knew we had nothing to fear as a person even though the country as a whole was at risk. In Jesus' day the brethren faced dangers more like COVID-19. In Acts 12 we read of Peter's release from prison when he knocks at the door of Mary the mother of John Mark. The Christians had barricaded themselves inside and Rhoda was so excited she ran and told the Christians he was there without opening the door. The politicians from Herod to Agrippa along with the religious leaders of the day were attacking Christians and promoting their own agenda just like today (see Acts 26). We are working hard to do all we can to keep everyone safe from the virus, and yet trying to serve one another and the world around us. We know that meeting together as we used to would put some of our number at risk of dying. Some of our normal activities like singing and greeting each other with hugs would put us all at risk. We can meet outside wearing masks and distancing. We can use ZOOM to teach, preach, sing, pray, and serve one another and the community. If you cannot come to our outside services, please use ZOOM to worship with us. Contact Karl if you need help. If the weather is bad, we will cancel services as we do in winter. If you are not at services the bulletin will be mailed to you. We can still stay in touch with one another by phone, text, mail, and the use of the worship times we do have. This crisis will end. Medical science will stop the virus, and, in the meantime, we can use what is available to us to worship God in Spirit and Truth. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |