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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSGOSPEL MINUTES: We received a notice from David Thurman who is the editor of Gospel Minutes, the weekly four-page periodical we have in the lobby all the time. The COVID-19 shutdown has caused their subscriptions to drop drastically and they are considering terminating publication, or they at least need donations to keep going. We do not seem to use a lot of these during any given week. What do you think? Do we donate to help them stay afloat or terminate our subscription? There are copies on the table in the fellowship area. Let us know your opinion. If we are not going to use them well we should save the money. SHULTS-LEWIS COMMODITY DRIVE: Shults-Lewis has moved our date to October for them to pick up the commodities to use in their work with children. Our commodity is paper towels and canned fruit. Please leave them in the lobby., when you have a chance to drop them off. POWER FOR TODAY: The quarterly booklet Power for Today for July, August, and September has arrived, if you did not get one let me know and I will get a copy to you: John Clayton 269-687-9426. TODAY’S LESSON
A. You are John the Baptist — Matthew 14:2; Luke 9:7-9.
Today many think Jesus was a mystic, a ghost.
B. You are Elijah — based on Malachi 4:5.
Today many want a warrior — political leader.
C. One of the prophets — a warrior against the enemy.
First of the Jews, then of America.
A. LAST WEEK — Do we render to Caesar or to God?
1. We still want a warrior” — SONG: “What a Savior” ARGGGH!
B. Look at Matthew 16:16-17 — Flesh and blood did not reveal.2. Who are the “they” that searched through? C. John 1:1 — Word = Logos = Name of God.
1. One part of God, just as you have many parts.
D. Matthew 16:17 — “Flesh and blood did not reveal … .”
2. Word became flesh, dwelt among us. 3. This is from God, not from man.
1 Corinthians 12:3 A. 2 Corinthians 3:14-15
B. Matthew 11:25-30 — How is that true?
A. Matthew 16:18 — Christ builds the church.
1. Not Peter (petros) but Petra — bedrock.
B. Christ preserves the church — John 10:28-29.2. SONG: “The Church's One Foundation” C. Do we understand why we are the Church of Christ? A. Just a myth?
B. A good or great man? One of many. C. A great prophet? A great teacher? D. The Word, the Son of God, the Creator? SONG: “The Way of the Cross” A. Romans 6:4-23 — Die, be buried, be resurrected.
B. SONG: “It Is Well with My Soul” — “… the faith shall be sight … .” C. Is it well with your soul? THE BACK PAGEWHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JESUS?One of my favorite lectureship stories happened when I had given a challenging lesson on understanding what God is (not who God is). An elderly man came storming up when I closed and literally yelled at me about how bad my lesson had been. He particularly objected to the fact that I had hollered “think, think, think” several times in the lesson. He ended his tirade by yelling “I want you to know Clayton, that I don't come to church to think!” There was a dead silence for a moment and then one of our older ladies said quietly, “That's always been your problem Clarence, you don't think!” A huge percentage of our problems would be solved if we would just learn to think. The four gospels use the word “think” 25 times. Jesus did not call us to be mindless robots regurgitating scripture. When Paul preached to the wise men and women of Athens in Acts 17:18-34 he chided them for their ignorance (verse 30) and spoke of ignorant worship (verse 23). Today's lesson is designed to challenge you to think. We tend to brush over the obvious errors in our understandings of God's Word, and what we view Jesus to be is important when we look at his promises. For example how can Jesus tell us to ask and it will be given to us (Luke 11:9-10)? Our struggle with this is that we have been given the idea in our art work, movies, books, and commentaries that Jesus was just a physical being. We have been indoctrinated to believe Christ was sent to earth as a human that God worked through. We struggle with John 1:1-14 and its declaration that “all things were made by him; and without him was not anything made” (verse 3). We have made our own God and have made him too small. Verse 14 of John tells us that “the Word [logos meaning the name of God] became flesh and dwelt among us.” Remember that Jesus is not a man who became God, but God who became man. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |