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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSWELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: Like everyone else, we are trying to avoid COVID-19 among all of us. Some of us are more vulnerable than others. We ask everyone to keep six feet from others and wear a mask so that no one becomes ill by attending worship. Some of us will be participating virtually through Zoom at home and others will be in the building. If in the future you wish to participate in Zoom at home contact Karl Marcussen at 574-514-1400 and he will help you join us. OUR THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON THE HIGHWAY CLEAN UP YESTERDAY. Our special thanks to Richard Hoyt for getting everything ready for the work. People in the community see us picking up trash and know that we are about serving the community and about the people we serve. There is no better advertisement for the Lord's church. SHULTS-LEWIS COMMODITY DRIVE: Shults-Lewis will be coming in early October. We need your help and your donations by the first Sunday in October. IF YOU NEED POWER FOR TODAY, CALL 269-687-9426.We can also mail other helpful literature to you to help you as you look after your spiritual well being if you are unable to attend worship at the building (see THE BACK PAGE below). Just let us know and we will get the literature to you. OUR SPECIAL THANKS to everyone who has helped in maintaining and improving the physical condition of our building. Jim Harasewicz has done a great deal of work on the building, and Bill and Patty have worked on the class rooms in the basement. The outside gardens look great thanks to Jim, Lana, Cindy, and Julie. The message that we send to the community by maintaining and improving the physical structure in which we meet is important. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Nearly every relationship in life has three stages, and marriage shows this to us clearly. (John refers to the song "The Longer I Serve Him.")
A. The honeymoon stage — excitement, enthusiasm,
euphoria, dreams for the future.
B. The disappointment stage — things do not turn out as you hoped. C. The decision stage — do you stay or go? A. John 6:5-15 — Jesus feeds 5000, they want to make
him King — the honeymoon stage.
B. John 6:66-67 — Disappointment in the message C. John 6:68 — Many leave. Jesus questions apostles. D. Matthew 21:7-9 — The procession into Jerusalem 1. Followed by rejecting his message 2. Matthew 27:23; Mark 15:13-14 — “Crucify him!” A. Honeymoon stage — Acts 2:41-47
B. Disappointment stage — Acts 11:2; 12:2 C. Decision stage 1. Galatians 1:6 — Turning to another gospel.
D. Stay or go stage — 2 Timothy 4:10 after Colossians 4:142. Acts 8:18 — Merchandising Christianity 3. 1 Corinthians 1:11 — Allowing cliques, division. A. Wanting a new preacher — Why?
B. Church plantings go well. Why? C. New issues constantly invade the church. A. Honeymoon stage — Paul in Acts 9:20
IV. THE DECISION STAGE — will you stay or go? (John refers to the song "Whispering Hope.")1. Acts 8:39 — The eunuch rejoicing. How about you?
B. The disappointment stage — Acts 9:26; Galatians 1:16-20
2. Expectations — members are perfect. Gratification What have I done to confirm my faith?
THE BACK PAGEDON’T USE COVID-19 TO LEAVE THE SPIRITUALToday's lesson is very practical for every one of us. You and I are at a crossroads as far as our spiritual well being is concerned. All of us have pretty well passed through the honeymoon stage as far as our faith is concerned. We are a mature congregation, and all of us have had contact with some negatives as far as our relationship to the church is concerned. Satan will use our limitations to weaken us in our relationship to Jesus. We have a small building. We do not have elders or a full-time preacher. Now we are faced with limitations on how we meet and what we can do outside of worship. It is easy to let all of this discourage us from being active in our spiritual lives. It takes some effort to worship with the church here right now — getting a mask, keeping distances from others, not being as social as we were before — all of this takes extra effort. How much effort did Christians in the first century have to exert? Being with the church then could get you killed, and many of the early Christians did die. Still the first century church grew and prospered. The reason was that, in spite of the physical struggles, people looked after their spiritual health. No matter who you are, you need to make sure you are still active spiritually. Read the literature we have available. Be a part of the worship service and use Zoom if you are not comfortable coming. Be a part of the work we are still doing. The Shults-Lewis commodity drive, the Food Bank, the highway clean up, the cards and phone call ministry (thank you, Julie), the “Secret Sisters,” these special efforts we make are not just to benefit others; we grow spiritually when we stay active. There is much we can do in the privacy of our homes to get spiritual food. Listen to gospel songs on radio and TV, search out the worship services of other congregations of the Church of Christ. Spend some extra time going over the scriptures in our lessons. Read your Bible daily and pray. Do not become spiritually ill and weak. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign quote from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |