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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSWELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: Like everyone else, we are trying to avoid COVID-19 among all of us. Some of us are more vulnerable than others. We ask everyone to keep six feet from others and wear a mask so that no one becomes ill by attending worship. Some of us will be participating virtually through Zoom at home and others will be in the building. If in the future you wish to participate on Zoom at home contact Karl Marcussen and he will help you join us. COVID NOTE: Most of you probably know that Tim Clayton has been hospitalized with the COVID-19 virus. Tim is blind, mentally challenged and has muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, but with all of that his only comment has been, “If I don't get well I will be with Jesus and will be able to see again, won't I?” If only all of us had that kind of faith! Tim was in a facility where everyone had to wear a mask and stayed at a social distance, and even with all those precautions he contracted the virus. Please bear with us as we try to protect everyone. The ZOOM technology has allowed us to continue to worship together. Until we can all get a vaccine, continue to distance and wear masks. By doing so, we are being respectful of others as Christ taught us to be. THANKS: THANKS to everyone involved in repaving the sidewalk leading to the front entrance to the auditorium. That problem existed even before we had cracks develop in the walls of the basement. We finally have everything fixed that got broken with the water problems and we have finished some earlier work that needed to be done. Hopefully the “bleeding” of money to fix all of this is stopped now and we can concentrate on using our facility to the maximum. As we get by the virus, we need to plan on more and better classes as well as other work we are doing, such as our benevolent work. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — The book of Hebrews
A. Review — Hebrews is the 5th Gospel
1. Different approach to the “Good News.”
B. Hebrews 1 – 7 — 4 deals with the superiority of Christ.
2. Given to encourage all disciples — Hebrews 13:22 3. Last week — reasons for faith (foundation) A. Hebrews 1:2 — Jesus was involved in creation.
1. The Father — the intellect and power of creation
B. Hebrews 1:10-12 — he future of the physical cosmos
The second law of thermodynamics2. The Son — the craftsman 3. The Holy Spirit — The active worker who did what the craftsman designed — Genesis 1:2. C. Jesus should not be limited to a physical human. 1. Hebrews 2:6-9 — Everything is subject to Christ. A. Greater than all the prophets — Hebrews 1:1-2
1. A Prophet DELIVERS a message, does not create
it: a sounder, an expounder.
B. Greater than Moses — Hebrews 3:1-19 — No rest in Moses.2. Claims of people called prophets today contradict this. Do not listen to them — Hebrews 2:1. C. Greater than Joshua — Hebrews 4:1-13 — No inheritance. They disqualified themselves (Hebrews 4:6).
D. Greater than any human who has ever lived.
What did they offer? What does Jesus offer?
See the “Religious Figures in History” on THE BACK PAGE below and this handout.
IV. HOW IS CHRIST SUPERIOR? The Gospel messages.
A. His claim is different — “the Son of God.”
We used this SONG “Take the Name of Jesus with You” as our invitation song.B. His methodology is different — no politics, war, etc. C. His coming and his work — See the “Questions to Ask of these Figures” on THE BACK PAGE below.
D. His teachings were unique. Matthew 5 – 7 — AgapeE. His death and resurrection F. The effect of his existence THE BACK PAGERELIGIOUS FIGURES IN HISTORY
Some of these religious figures would answer some of these questions in a positive way. None of them would answer all of these questions in the way Jesus Christ would. There is no attempt in this discussion to denigrate any religion, but it is our intent to say that we follow Jesus Christ because of how he lived, what he taught and how he taught it, not because of what any human who claimed to follow Christ did and taught. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from Philippians 1:27. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |