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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSWELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: Like everyone else, we are trying to avoid COVID-19 among all of us. Some of us are more vulnerable than others. We ask everyone to keep six feet from others and wear a mask so that no one becomes ill by attending worship. Some of us will be participating virtually through Zoom at home and others will be in the building. If in the future you wish to participate on Zoom at home contact Karl Marcussen and he will help you join us. PLEASE DO NOT allow the pandemic to interfere with your relationship to God. If you do not come to the building for worship, join us on ZOOM. If you need a songbook let us know and we will get one to you. If you do not have the elements for communion, we can supply you with a packet that has all you need. If you do not join in the communion when the congregation celebrates together, have a communion service in your home with family or by yourself. We need to focus on the sacrifice of Jesus and on the shedding of his blood which washes away our sins, and this time of isolation should not interfere with that. BIBLE STUDY AT HOME Several have expressed to me how much they miss the Bible study classes that we have always had on Wednesday and Sunday. Of course we encourage you to pick up your Bible daily and study. Take some time to read spiritual growth books which you can also borrow. Keep growing in your knowledge of the Lord and his Word (Matthew 4:4). We have eight correspondence courses that are straight Bible studies that you can take free of charge and with postage paid. We have two basic courses, a special needs course for understanding substance abuse, three general Bible study courses and two advanced courses. Just let us know which kind of course you want and we will send you the lessons. TODAY'S LESSON
Lesson 1 — Survey — Hebrews 13:22 — Written to encourage.
Lesson 2 — How to build and strengthen faith — Hebrews 11. Lesson 3 — Hebrews 1 – 4 — Christ is superior to all. Lesson 4 — Christianity is superior to all. A. All of this is based on evidence.
B. Enemies of God seek to destroy your faith. 1. Major challenge is pain and suffering. WHY? 2. Why does a perfect, loving God allow it? 3. Who has all the answers? Here are some helps: A. Do not trash lessons 1 – 4 — Hebrews 12:1.
B. Realize that God has a purpose for your life! The race is SET before us. C. Hebrews 4:15 — Jesus dealt with it all and more. 1. Hebrews 12:4 — Our blood has not been shed. 2. Hebrews 12:3 — Mental cruelty: How much have I had? A. A quote of Proverbs 3:11-12
B. Why do we discipline our children? 1. How do we understand our purpose in being?
C. Hebrews 12:8 — If you escape discipline, what happens?
2. Sharing our lives — the greatest tool we have. Violence, isolationism, monasticism, suicide
D. Hebrews 12:11 — A harvest of righteousness and peace
“For those trained by it.” A. Heb. 12:12-13 — How do we make “straight paths”?
Knowing where we are going makes a difference.
B. The church makes a difference — James 5:10-16.A. An understanding and a vehicle to bear suffering B. Promises from God — 1 Corinthians 10:13 C. Helps from Hebrews — Chapter 13 Practical things + Hebrews 13:14 — an eternal city. John used this song “I Am Resolved”
THE BACK PAGEHEBREWS LESSON 5 AND THANKSGIVINGThis is our fifth lesson from the book of Hebrews. The basic theme of this study has been encouragement. That is stated in Hebrews 13:22; but, it is obvious when you look at what the book contains. Christ and his church are superior to everything else. We can have a rock solid faith if we will spend some time building it. Some of the biggest disasters in my life have come when I tried to do something in a hurry. We want instant gratification, and life frequently does not work that way. Today's lesson is a “yes, but” lesson. You can listen to all this discussion and you can read Hebrews 1 – 11 and nod your head in agreement; but, in the back of your mind there are some “yes, I know, but …” thoughts circling in our minds. The author of Hebrews knows this; so, as he brings his writings to a close he tackles one of the big objections to all he has said. The COVID-19 pandemic is a modern problem area. In the time of the Bible's writing it was leprosy and the pain of being captive to a corrupt and violent political power. This past Thursday was Thanksgiving Day in America. How hard was it for you to be thankful? A number of our families have loved ones who are in pain and are hurting with several in the hospital. For many of us the tradition of being with extended family was broken and our isolation was compounded by the shut down of services that we are used to having. Hebrews 12:28 says to us “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” How do we do that when there is so much pain in and around our lives? One part of the answer to that is to think about the good things we have. None of us lacked food this Thanksgiving. We had no fear of being enslaved by the government. There is medical help available to us to relieve the physical problems we have. We have brothers and sisters in Christ who care, who pray for us, who will help us if we need help, and who talk with us, pray with us, and join with us in worship and in serving others. We are also blessed in knowing that this is as bad as it gets. Our eternal destiny can not be shaken — praise God we are a part of that kingdom! — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |