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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSThis bulletin is distributed in a variety of different ways. It is distributed during our worship services at the church building; it is made available on the web at our dowagiaccoc.org website; and it is sent by e-mail/messaging in connection with our ZOOM broadcast invitations. However you receive it, we hope it will be informative and encouraging. We are not a denomination, but a local effort to encourage people to follow what the church was like in the first century. We have no man-made creed and only follow the Bible. We do not have religious titles and do not solicit donations. Come and learn more by visiting with us, e-mailing us, or calling us. WONDERFUL NEWS: Molly Wheeler was baptized into Christ by Bill Gibson on January 26. Not many teenagers have the courage to be a Christian and we applaud Molly for standing up for Christ when there are people around her who do not have the courage to do that. We also applaud Samantha for her dedication to the Lord and for doing all in her power to teach her children. ATTENTION LADIES: There is a ladies' prayer meeting on Zoom at 1:00 P.M. every Thursday. This is a great time of fellowship and prayer. If you have a smartphone, computer, or tablet you can be a part of this. If you have not been contacted and want to participate call or text Della Bundle or Cindy Clayton. If you are interested in an evening prayer time call Julie Marcussen. WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY at 7:00 P.M.: We are studying the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles led by Richard Hoyt at the building and on Zoom. If you want to have Zoom access, let Karl Marcussen know at 574-514-1400 or marcusen@michiana.org. CONGRATULATIONS GERRY BUNDLE: We always rejoice when one of our brothers or sisters is recognized for outstanding achievements. Gerry has earned the Director Gold Status certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Our brother made the newspapers for his good work in education in the business community. MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR: The Food Bank Truck will be coming to our building April 27 at 4:00 P.M. and again September 28. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Most of us have some weight to lose; but, that is not the kind of weight we are talking about today.
A. Matthew 9:35-38 — Are we harassed — who is not?
B. The church (the called out) has the answer. C. Matthew 11:25-30 — What is your burden? D. Losing the weight of the world is an attitude. Psalm 23 — Even in death we have an answer. (John referred to a song we sang before his lesson: “The Lord's My Shepherd.”)
A. Debt — an attitude produced by our society.
1. Luke 3:14
B. Let the church be your security blanket.
2. 1 Timothy 6:8 3. 1 Timothy 6:17-21 4. Hebrews 13:5 — “What can man do to me?” 5. Philippians 4:11-13 — Note “LEARNED” contentment. No one here should ever go hungry or cold.
C. Matthew 25:34-46 — We have to live this.A. Christianity — a fear reducing religion
Matthew 6:25-34 — Trust God.
B. Attitude controls fear — Philippians 4:4-9.A. Not forgiving someone can eat you alive.
B. Matthew 6:9-14 — especially Matthew 6:14 1. Our capacity for forgiveness is unique.
C. Do not carry a burden of anger, malice, and grudges. 2. Matthew 18:21-35 — Peter says how many times? 3. How often do you forgive your child? A. Christianity — a guilt reducing religion
B. Romans 7:15-25; 8:1 — There is no condemnation in Christ. C. Hebrews 12:1-3 — Sin entangles us. D. Romans 6:18 — We are set free from sin. John referred to our concluding song: “Bring Christ Your Broken Life.” THE BACK PAGELAST SUNDAY — A LESSON IN WORSHIPIt is rather ironic that our sermon for last Sunday was on New Testament worship and that our services were disrupted by a variety of intrusions both on Zoom and at the building. The point of our sermon was that worship is not an ego trip for us or for God, that our focus needs to be on Jesus and not stars or angels or physical objects, and that it is a personal thing. How do you think the Christians met after the Day of Pentecost and Peter's sermon? Acts 2:41 tells us there were about 3,000 people baptized into Christ. There was no church building, no PA system, no pews, no Zoom, and always the threat of persecution. History tells us that eventually the Christians had to go underground — literally. Christianity is flexible. Our relationship with Jesus does not depend on buildings, physical items, or even Zoom. Last Sunday we had several problems, not with our individual worship but with the technology of our day and time. Our Zoom worship got knocked off at least three times, and we had to restart it. The PA system at the church building had a bug. So what did we do? What was our worship? Those of us on Zoom realizing that there were problems continued on. We studied worship and looked at what God's Word tells us about worship. When a link was established with the building we then had our communion service and a few songs. The system of worship given to us in the Bible is so simple and beautiful and flexible that no one can stop us. We may eventually have to worship without a building. The government will eventually tax those who try to worship, and already we are seeing that churches owning property of any kind is being outlawed in some places like Chicago. No matter what happens, we can worship God in Spirit and in truth. The Lord knew what would eventually happen to his followers, and he gave us a foolproof system. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from Matthew 5:9 Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |