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DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic FAMILY NEWSThis bulletin is distributed in a variety of different ways. It is distributed during our worship services at the church building; it is made available on the web at our dowagiaccoc.org website; and it is sent by e-mail/messaging in connection with our Zoom broadcast invitations. However you receive it, we hope it will be informative and encouraging. We are not a denomination, but a local effort to encourage people to follow what the church was like in the first century. We have no man-made creed and only follow the Bible. We do not have religious titles and do not solicit donations. Come and learn more by visiting with us, e-mailing us, or calling us. REMEMBER OUR CLASS on Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M., either here at the building or on ZOOM. If you cannot come to the building and have a smartphone, tablet, or computer call Karl Marcussen at 574-514-144 and attend the class on Zoom. If you need any of the sheets that go with the class, let John Clayton know (269-687-9426). ATTENTION LADIES: There is a ladies' prayer meeting on Zoom at 1:00 P.M. every Thursday. This is a great time of fellowship and prayer. If you have a smartphone, tablet, or computer you can be a part of this. If you have not been contacted and want to participate call or text Della Bundle. ZOOM: We are glad that we are able to use the Zoom system for our worship services, classes, and prayer times, which are available to all of our members. Our plan is to continue using Zoom once the pandemic is over for times when we have to cancel for bad weather, for shut ins, and those who are occasionally sick or in recovery. We need to be aware that we currently have three Zoom activities each week, and you will be sent an invitation for each meeting with the correct information. If we do not have the correct information to contact you, please let us know. MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR: The Food Bank Truck will be coming to our building April 27 at 4:00 P.M. and again September 28. TODAY'S LESSON
A. Tell a boy he is a monkey long enough, he will act that way. Self image influences how we act.
B. How are you different than a monkey or a dog?
C. The view of man has affected history in many ways. 1. Justified slavery, racial profiling, prejudice
D. Morality is controlled by the view of what man is.
2. Used to criticize music, appearance 1. Survival of the fittest has led to atrocities.
E. What is the Christian view of what man is?War, abortion, ethnic cleansing, STDs
2. Peter Singer wants to euthanize mentally unfit.A. Genesis 2:3 — bara and asah — created and made
B. Genesis 2:7 — God FORMED man and animals (Genesis 2:19). Psalm 94:9 — Formed the eye — Jeremiah 1:5 (baby).
C. Breath of life —nephesh — animal spirit — breathingD. Genesis 1:27 — Created in God's image — bara Unique creation not seen in animals.
A. Animals do think and do reason.
B. Animals do have emotions. C. Animals do make things and do change things. Beavers, dens, corals, bees, ants, termites
D. Animals do communicate.A. Creativity in art and music. (See THE BACK PAGE below.)
B. Worship, understanding life after death C. Long term relationships Animals in human homes revert behavior in time.
D. Able to be taught to think.A. Genesis 6:1-8 — nephilim — fallen ones (not giants)
VI. HOW DO YOU VIEW YOURSELF? Just an animal?B. Giant is gibbor (Job 16:14) or rapha (Deuteronomy 2:11 KJV) C. Romans 1:18-31 — America today THE BACK PAGEAREN'T ANIMALS SPECIAL TOO?When I presented this material in my programs around the country, I ran into people who wanted to argue that animals are as good as humans. “Don't tell me that my dog Poopsi isn't as good as any human,” is a typical statement of how some view their pets. Animals are the cheapest love you can buy; but, they are not human. Poopsi does not create art or music, and does not worship her Creator. She does those things that endear her to you because she has learned that doing them gets her what she wants. There have been tragedies that have happened when owners forgot that the animal is driven by instinct, and that behavior can revert to instinct on a moment’s notice for reasons we might not understand. The dog who attacks and kills a grandchild and the chimp that attacks and seriously wounds a visitor to the home are recent examples of this. Someone says, “Oh yeah, but I have seen a TV show where a gorilla painted a picture, and that same gorilla named Koko has a CD music for sale.” Have you checked out those claims? That gorilla was trained by a lady named Penny Patterson who taught the gorilla to paint swatches of color on an easel. That gorilla has learned the sign language of the deaf, and when a yellow swatch was put on a canvas would identify it as “banana.” When a yellow kitten was presented to the gorilla it pointed to the kitten and signed “banana,” obviously responding to the color. The claims of music creation was done by playing a record for the gorilla and asking if it liked it or not. This is not creation. Creativity is unique to humans, and while the gorilla likes music with low frequencies in it, the message of the song is not what the gorilla is responding to. There is no scientific support that animals have the capacity to create art or music or to worship. You are unique because you are created in God's image. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |