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We have started meeting in our building This bulletin is distributed in a variety of different ways. It is distributed during our worship services at the church building; it is made available on the web at our dowagiaccoc.org website; and it is sent by e-mail/messaging in connection with our Zoom broadcast invitations. However you receive it, we hope it will be informative and encouraging. We are not a denomination, but a local effort to encourage people to follow what the church was like in the first century. We have no man-made creed and only follow the Bible. We do not have religious titles and do not solicit donations. Come and learn more by visiting with us, e-mailing us, or calling us. FAMILY NEWSJIM HARASEWICZ passed away this past Thursday (May 13). As of this printing details are not available. SHULTS-LEWIS SPECIAL DAY JUNE 27. This congregation has been involved for many years with the Shults-Lewis Child and Family Services mission in Valparaiso, Indiana. This ministry cares for children both by having house parents who have foster children living with them, and by outpatient care with counselors and psychologists. We send financial help and gather food items for Shults-Lewis every year. They are having a “day of prayer and giving” on the 27th. They have some new plans and some needs to present. If you are interested there is a detailed letter on the bulletin board at the church building. PLEASE BE CAREFUL about COVID and let us stay safe and look after one another. The CDC released some new advisories about vaccinations and masks. For our situation at church, if we are fully vaccinated we do not need to wear masks. If we are not fully vaccinated, we should wear masks. Masks are available at both entrances to the building. WE WANT TO THANK THE MANY PEOPLE who have spent hours at the building doing “spring cleaning” both inside and out. Many thanks go to Cindy Clayton, Lana Fox, and Bill Gibson who have weeded, trimmed, and planted to improve the landscaping. Thank you to Patty Gibson, Howard and Rose Marlin, Lana Fox, Cindy Clayton, and Julie Marcussen for the deep cleaning inside. It all looks so refreshing! TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: Wednesday night our class with Richard Hoyt has been studying in detail the history of Israel from Samuel, Chronicles, and Kings. We have come to the end of David's time on earth.
A. We all die.
1.Revelation 20:12 — Our future
B. We visit a great man on his death bed.
2. Isaiah 61:1-11 — We win in death. 1. David knew he was about to die (1 Kings 2:2). 2. He trusted God in his death — Psalm 23:4 a. Rod — something that holds you up
3. His faithfulness gave dignity to his dying hour.b. Staff — the support of defense John refers to this song by Tim McGraw: “Live Like You Were Dying.”)
A. James 4:13-14 — Life is short — we have lost many.
B. Death is not a mystery to Christians. 1. James 2:26 — You can die and still be breathing.
C. Jesus destroyed death — 2 Timothy 1:10.
2. Ecclesiastes 12:7 3. John 5:28-29 4. Romans 14:12 1. We can rejoice in this — Acts 8:32-39 2. Acts 2:37-41 — There were those who rejected life. 3. Proverbs 27:1 — Do not rely on “tomorrow.” A. 1 Kings 2:2-3 — Concern for his son
2 John 1:4
B. Non-Christians have no hope — Ephesians 2:12.
We cannot have a divided heart — Psalm 86:11.
A. 1 Timothy 3:15 and Ephesians 4:4-6
B. Romans 5:6-8 C. Romans 6:3 John refers to this song: “Does Jesus Care?”)
Ronnie Dunn — “You cannot tell me it all ends in a slow ride in a hearse.” What will be your final words?
John refers to this song: “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”) THE BACK PAGEBELIEVEOne thing that being a Christian gives us is a different perspective of death than people who are a part of what other faiths have is our christian view of death. Heaven and hell are not a part of the Old Testament. Because what happens after we die is not a major part of the history of Israel, most of what is dealt with in this history of David is political and military struggles during their lives. Jesus gave a completely different view of death than what David had. In 2 Timothy 1:10 we are told that Jesus abolished death, so dying for a Christian was a transition to a better existence. In David's discussion in 1 Kings 2:1-8 the promise given is prosperity and a perpetual position as a ruler on the throne. Those are physical properties while one is alive. The same kind of issue is involved in other religious systems. If reincarnation is a part of a faith, then the best one can have is to come back to the physical existence and live life with all of its problems and pain again. In Islam the concept is not a return to earth as such, but men are given a harem of black-eyed beauties and engage in physical debate. Once again, those are physical promises. Christians are promised a new existence where there is no more death, no crying, no pain and no sorrow (see Revelation 21:1-5). That means that the existence we have now is the absolute worse thing we will ever have. Christians who believe 100% do not fear dying. Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:6-8 that he was ready to die and go to a new existence. Christians are to bear fruit and live as Jesus said we should, and the rewards are eternal in nature. Do we believe this, or do we allow ourselves to base everything on what happens in this life? Believe! — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |