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We have started meeting in our building This bulletin is distributed in a variety of different ways. It is distributed during our worship services at the church building; it is made available on the web at our dowagiaccoc.org website; and it is sent by e-mail/messaging in connection with our Zoom broadcast invitations. However you receive it, we hope it will be informative and encouraging. We are not a denomination, but a local effort to encourage people to follow what the church was like in the first century. We have no man-made creed and only follow the Bible. We do not have religious titles and do not solicit donations. Come and learn more by visiting with us, e-mailing us, or calling us. FAMILY NEWSTHANKS: To Patty Gibson, Marlins, Cindy Clayton, and Julie Marcussen for cleaning the inside of our building. All of the pews and windows were cleaned as well as the floors. Also our thanks to Cindy Clayton and Lana Fox for the work they have done on the flower beds outside the building. It has been a long time since our facility looked as good as it does now to visitors and people driving by. HEAT: We have had work done on the furnace for the fellowship area, so those of you who were uncomfortable in that area in the past should be able to be more comfortable now. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASS is functioning with both classroom and Zoom being used. This is an in-depth study of the history of Israel taught by Richard Hoyt. If you need help getting on Zoom call Karl Marcussen at 574-514-1400. OPENING UP: Several of us who have been worshiping from home using Zoom are now coming to the building. Michigan continues to have problems with COVID, but most of us have had our vaccines, and all of us meeting at the building are wearing mask and practicing social distancing. We are not out of the woods yet, but the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to everyone who has worked to protect their brothers and sisters in Christ. We have been given our commodity for SHULTS-LEWIS — it is peanut butter and jelly/jam. They will be coming in July to pick those commodities up. They will also pickup change cans, which we have been using all year! TODAY'S LESSON
A. What do you believe about life?
I. 1 Corinthians 15:35-41 — Everything in the creation is unique.
1. This is all we have?
B. What you believe affects how you live.
2. This is the start of something better. 1. Atheist view — naturalism
2. Christian view — 1 Thessalonians 4:13 A. DNA verifies that everything is its own self
II. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
1. Everything starts as a seed and changes.
B. 1 Corinthians 15:39 — There are four kinds of flesh.C. Every celestial body is unique — 1 Corinthians 15:40-41. 1. Stars die, but they get a new body.
A. We are like stars.
III. 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 — Two “Adams”
B. What is a natural body? C. What is a spiritual body? How do you know? 1. What is unique about humans? Genesis 1:27
a. Art, music, worship, guilt, sympathy
A. Adam in Genesis is a type of Jesus Christ.
IV. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 — The promise of God
1. Adam was a physical being.
B. We show both “Adams” as Christians. 2. Christ is a spiritual being. A. Fact — the kingdom is not physical.
1. You don’t want it to be — Revelation 21:3-4.
B. We will all be changed.
1. We will have a timeless body.
C. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 — “fight the good fight … kept the faith.”
2. All the bad things time brings will be gone. a. Pain, death, rust, grief, rotting, sickness
3. Revelation 21:5 — “I am making everything new”
a. Revelation 21:8 — All human weakness is gone.
1. “Long for Jesus’ appearance”
2. “Victory in Jesus” does not depend on us. (John refers to this song: “Victory in Jesus.”)
THE BACK PAGEWHAT ARE YOU?Notice that I did not ask “who” are you; I asked “what” are you. The “who” is something that you have to worry about. Are you generous? Are you well educated? Are you politically correct? Are you moral? Are you honest? Are you selfish? Those are all things you have some control over. “What” you are has to do with our very nature. Our world has moved to treating humans as if they are animals and nothing more. We see this expressed in a variety of ways. If all we are, are animals, then everything about us is a product of our animal nature. In the natural world we see on our nature shows, that animals do function on “survival of the fittest.” It is the fittest that produce offspring, that kill and eat the less fit, that control territory. The less fit are at the mercy of the fit. The whole notion of one race being superior to another is a product of this mentality. Black slaves were ripped out of their country and relegated to slavery because they were deemed to be less fit. World War II was started because one nation thought their population was superior to all other populations. In America today we see this same mentality having a major impact on our culture. The entertainment industry is a classic reflection of this. Those we identify as more fit are paid massive amounts of money to perform in sports and movies. The less fit in society frequently live in a homeless shelter or a slum. So WHAT are you? You are a unique creation that is in the image of God. Your physical stature, your beauty, your IQ, and your politics have nothing to do with your being in the image of God. The real you is housed in a physical tent that will die. You will not die because you are a spiritual being. That means you do things and help others whether they are “fit” or not. Galatians 3:26-28 says it well, “we are all one in Christ Jesus,” whether we are fit or not. Christianity is blind to race or physical makeup. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |