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FAMILY NEWSSUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE continues tonight at 6:00 P.M. We are viewing a series on archaeological support of the Bible featuring John Cooper's series filmed in the Holy Land, and John Clayton will be leading a question/answer session after the DVD presentation. Last Sunday we had a great start to this important study. Join us! NEXT HIGHWAY CLEANUP starts this next Saturday. The highway is not as littered as in the past, but we need you to return the forms that were mailed to you so we know the cleanup is covered, either Saturday or in the week starting on Sunday. We will meet at 10:00 A.M., Saturday, for those who can be there. FOOD TRUCK UNLOADING is a week from this Tuesday, September 28. Please be there at 3:00 P.M. to help us unload the truck and distribute food to families in need in the Dowagiac area. This is a big project, so we need everyone present to help. There is a job for everyone. OUR THANKS TO OUR HIDDEN WORKERS. There are a bunch of our brothers and sisters who do things most of us do not know about to help the work here. Our thanks to Karl Marcussen, who fixes everything from toilets to the sign to Zoom; to Cindy Clayton and Lana Fox who have made our flower beds look really nice this year; to Tracey Brewer who gets the building ready for worship every Sunday; to Bill Gibson who keeps the air conditioning/furnace working; to Julie Marcussen working with our greeting card ministry. TODAY'S LESSON
A. A difficult handicap, even today
Have you ever seen a blind person eat?
B. In Jesus' day it was catastrophic.
Viewed as punishment from God
C. This blind man has much to teach us.A. He did not wait to be led.
B. He was desperate — Matthew 7:7-8. Are you? C. He had an unselfish agenda — God's agenda. A. The obstacles come from people — not God.
B. Attempts to silence him made him cry out more. C. What holds you back? May be family, friends. A. When he knew the invitation, he responded.
B. Response was voluntary — Christianity never forces. C. MARK 10:51 — Was this a dumb question? 1. Priorities — not money, fame, revenge
D. Immediate response — “jumped to his feet”
2. MARK 10:46 — Massive number of people involved Delaying action prevents progress.
A. Does Jesus know what you are struggling with?
B. “Your faith has made you whole.” Not you need faith enough to warrant a solution to your problem.
C. You need to know where to go to get an answer.
Media does not offer solutions to life's problems.
A. He does not question where his cure came from.
VI. WHAT PATH ARE YOU FOLLOWING IN LIFE?. B. Do we credit God with answers to problems in life? How many times have you survived what should by all reason have killed (destroyed) you?
C. Gratitude to God reflects our heart (character).
Read the song, “Count Your Blessings,” in our songbook.
THE BACK PAGEFAITH BUILDING SERIES CONTINUESOur sermons and the Sunday night class go hand in hand in helping us build a dynamic faith. Last week we talked about the challenge of “Fake News” and how it impacts our understanding of what the church is about. Most of what you see on TV, read in the media, and have pushed at you in tracts and books is simply not true. We live at a time when politicians and the media think nothing about lying or misrepresenting the facts. In our sermon last Sunday we pointed out that God warns mankind “Believe not every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they come from God.” The Bible contains the message from God, but ignorance is plaguing mankind. We are bombarded by messages that are full of ignorance of the Bible, ignorance of medical facts, ignorance of how God works, ignorance of how Jesus used evidence in his teaching, and ignorance of what the church is. Ignorance is a major tool of Satan. The only thing we can trust is material that is found in God's Word. In our first DVD we saw that there are four things that humans need for happiness and fulfillment in life: Love, Value, Forgiveness, and Hope. John 3:16 tells us this, and common sense allows us to know it is true. One purpose of our Sunday evening series is to show that the Bible is reliable. You do not need to doubt what the Bible says. Be sure and come tonight and see for yourself how much evidence there is. This discussion is not the words of any human, but a trip to the original Greek manuscripts, both Uncials and Minuscules. Much of this evidence will be given to you in charts which you can take home with you. You do not have to be a Greek or Hebrew scholar to understand these lessons. This is a great opportunity to learn, to grow, and to build your faith. Take some time to read Colossians 2:13-3:2. Understand that you do not want to be a part of a world driven by fear, selfishness, greed, and violence. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |