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FAMILY NEWSSUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE continues tonight at 6:00 P.M. We are doing a series on archaeological support of the Bible featuring John Cooper's series filmed in the Holy Land, and John Clayton will be leading a question/answer session after the DVD presentation. We have had some visitors, and last week some good questions and discussion. This week's session involves archaeological material from the Old Testament. Join us! Karl has been able to put the class on Zoom; so, if you cannot make it to the building you can still participate. FOOD TRUCK UNLOADING is this Tuesday — that is September 28. Please be there at 3:00 P.M. to help us unload the truck and distribute food to families in need in the Dowagiac area. This is a big project, so we need everyone present to help. There is a job for everyone so do not feel that you need to do a lot of strenuous lifting. We need greeters, traffic managers, record keepers, and people managing the building. FREE STUFF: We have magazines, calendars, and various food stuffs that have not been picked up or used. These are in the fellowship room. The items are things that are leftovers from various ministries and gifts from people we have worked with. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: Do you USE or LOSE your religion?
A. We all face situations of crisis.
B. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 C. The Bible is full of success stories — i.e., Peter. A. He is facing execution unfairly.
1. How much of your situation is unfair?
B. His situation is hopeless.
2. The establishment is against him unjustly. 1. A quaternion of soldiers around him
C. Peter is trusting in God.
2. Sleeping between two soldiers in chains, in dark. 1. He is sleeping, angel has to wake him up.
2. Church is praying about the situation. Do we pray for our wounded?
A. A light shines in the prison (ACTS 12:7).
B. Peter has to get up — he has to move. 1 The angel gets him to the street, then leaves.
C. God offers each of us solutions to real problems.
2. What would you do in this situation? Run? 3. Peter “comes to himself” (ACTS 12:11). 4. Do we attribute solutions to luck? 1. God can solve fears, guilt, destructive habits.
2. God will not do it without you acting. 3. There is no “lock” God cannot pick. A. Do WE REALLY believe God can act on problems?
B. Emotional Rhoda runs to tell disciples Peter is there. They assumed Peter was dead, but were praying.
C. Peter shares what God has done. Do we? A. Galatians 6:2 — “Burden” in Greek is boulder.
B. The invitation is to say “let us help with your load” (your boulder). THE BACK PAGEAMERICA — THE LAND OF INTOXICANTSThe definition of an intoxicant, according to the dictionary, is “that which produces feelings of pleasure or happiness in a person.” The enormous success of technology has given us a comfortable lifestyle. The illusion of self-sufficiency is constantly reinforced by Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and even many churches. The words of Ephesians 5:15-18 are rejected, “Don't get your stimulus from wine, but let the Spirit stimulate your souls” (Phillips). America lags behind recognizing the destructive nature of substance abuse. Alcohol is pushed by the entertainment industry in America, and even country music, which used to emphasize the negative effect of alcohol, is now saturated with promoting it as a way to pleasure and happiness. Scotland and Sweden have passed stringent laws to mitigate the use of alcohol. In America the maximum blood alcohol content allowed for a motorist is 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood or .08%. In Scotland the limit is .05%. Penalties for being over .05% in Scotland are the automatic loss of license, a fine of up to $7000, a criminal record, and even the possibility of a prison sentence. In Sweden the limit is .02%. The desire to find an intoxicant in church has led to prosperity gospels in which God is said to supply wealth (materialism) to his children. The picture the Bible gives of successful living as a Christian involves the recognition that Satan is in control of the Earth (1 John 5:19). If we are looking for heaven on Earth we are in for disappointment and pain. The Bible is full of passages that emphasize the understanding that the influence of Satan is all around us (see 1 Corinthians 15:33; James 1:27; 4:4; 2 Peter 1:4; 2:20; 1 John 2:15-17). Using intoxication to find pleasure and happiness does not work; but, being a light in a dark world (Matthew 5:14; Philippians 2:15) brings contentment and satisfaction that not only leads to a meaningful existence on the Earth, but ultimately leads to eternal joy and happiness with our Lord. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |