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FAMILY NEWSSUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE continues tonight at 6:00 P.M. Our study of archaeological support of the Bible has been challenging, because there is so much information presented. We will review words like “stele,” “obelisk,” and “relief,” and watch and discuss the 2nd session on the Old Testament tonight. There is a lot to learn and you will be challenged. Come and grow with us as we see the evidence together. THANKS to all who helped with the highway cleanup. Several of us did more than one zone so the entire stretch assigned to us was done. Our efforts are noticed by the community and in a case like this our actions speak loudly to our friends and neighbors. THANKS to all who helped in the truck unloading this past Tuesday. One of our neighbors said to me, “Boy, you guys sure do a lot!” Feeding over 300 people is an amazing feat for a small group like us. Praise God for all of the opportunities he gives us. FREE STUFF: We have magazines, calendars, and various food stuffs that are leftovers. They are in the fellowship room. The items are things that are leftovers from various ministries and gifts from people we have worked with. Help yourself. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: The misuse of Matthew 7:1-2
A. “How dare you judge me!” is a world response.
B. As Christians we must judge and still respect the rights of others. A. Jesus sets the standard in Matthew 7:3-5.
B. John 7:24 — You have to judge to do this. Attitude must be reflected when we judge.
A. 1 Corinthians 5
1. A member of the congregation has rebelled.
B. The ultimate purpose of judging — 2 Corinthians 2:7-8
2. The rebellion is obvious (1 Corinthians 5:3). 3. The reason for judging is clear (1 Corinthians 5:11). Notice the needs of the person being judged.
C. This is an “in house” judging (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).
It is futile for us to judge the world by words.
A. Acts 17:11
B. Sometimes a leader has to be disciplined. Galatians 2:11-15; Proverbs 12:1
C. Politics have no role in this judging. A. Assume that you understand. Walk a mile in my shoes — Job and Eliphaz (Job, Bildad, Zophar) Job 4, 8, 11; Job 42:3.
B. Not understanding the situation — John 4; Acts 17 Prison work, homosexuality as examples
C. Judging motives — God alone knows people's hearts — 1 Kings 8:39; 1 Corinthians 4:5.D. Judging ourselves better than someone else Action should always be a part of judging.
THE BACK PAGE“SO YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONES …”If you have been sharing your faith with others, you have probably heard the phrase in our title in connection with who is going to heaven, who has the Truth, and/or whether what you do in worship is accepted by God. Some of this hostility has been because of the way people have been approached by members of the church in the past. That is why today’s lesson is so important. How did Jesus deal with the people of his day? Was his method of talking to people one of argumentation? Who did Jesus reach out to, and how did he deal with them? There are wonderful lessons in the actions and teachings of Christ. When a woman was caught in the act of adultery and was taken to Jesus, how did he deal with her? Did he give her a lecture on adultery and quote scripture? He demonstrated love and compassion and urged her on to a new life (see John 8:11). Why did Jesus use parables? The things that the parables taught were everyday challenges in people's lives. His word encouraged and allowed his listeners to see themselves in what he presented. When Jesus confronted religious leaders who taught and lived things that were opposed to God, he spoke directly to their offenses; but, that is not who we deal with or who responded to the apostles. What has built walls in our families and in our communities is the judgmental attitude that has been projected in the past by Christians who did not radiate the love and empathy that people need to hear and see. In Mark 10:14-15, Jesus tells his followers “Allow the little children to come to me and do not hinder them, for this is what people are like in the kingdom of God. Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God in a childlike manner cannot enter the Kingdom” (Clayton paraphrase). Little children do not offend or give room for hypocrisy. They radiate love and compassion, and so should we. Let God's Word do the judging, not us. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |