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FAMILY NEWSSUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE continues tonight at 6:00 P.M. Our study of archaeological support of the Bible enters a new subject as we look at evidence for the credibility of the New Testament. We will review the 400 years between the Old Testament and the New which gets us into today's sermon and an understanding of the condition of the world when Jesus was born. One of the things that has impressed all of us is how many references to Old Testament biblical characters have been found in archaeological digs. This is even more true of New Testament characters and tonight and next Sunday will be focused on New Testament verifications. FALL PICNIC AT INDOGAN is planned for next Saturday the 16th, 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., at Camp Indogan. There will be a “Meet and Greet,” games, and a devotional with brethren from all over Michiana. There will also be a potluck. If you need information or directions to the camp call 574-333-2451. FREE STUFF: We have magazines, calendars, and various food stuffs that are leftovers. They are in the fellowship room. The items are from various ministries and gifts from people we have worked with. Help yourself. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: Matthew 24:15
A. Daniel was written around 607 B.C.
I. THE HEAD OF THE IMAGE Nebuchadnezzar saw.
Nebuchadnezzar was king from 626 to 539 B.C.
B. Nebuchadnezzar asks the impossible.
1. Tell him what he dreamed (Daniel 2:5).
2. Interpret the dream or else (Daniel 2:5-13). 3. Daniel pleads for fake news people (Daniel 2:24). A. Fine gold — Daniel 2:32 — was Nebuchadnezzar.
B. Daniel 2:38 — a historical fact. A. Medo-Persia — Daniel 2:39 from 539 to 330 B.C.
B. Was an inferior kingdom. A. Third kingdom to rule — Daniel 2:39.
IV. LEGS WERE OF IRON — Daniel 2:33 — 4th kingdom
B. Greece from 330 to 63 B.C. A. Iron is strong, but it breaks.
Military strength is strong but it bruises its people.
B. Roman empire from 63 B.C. to A.D. 100 — Daniel 2:40A. Daniel 2:33 — Internal division destroyed Rome.
B. Daniel 2:41-43 A. His kingdom is eternal — Daniel 2:44.
B. All the kingdoms of mankind are destroyed. C. Kingdom of God was “a stone cut without hands.” 1. Daniel 2:45, a reminder of Matthew 16:18
2. A confession, not a man or force. A. The Bible is from God, not from human wisdom.
Prophecy was in 607 B.C. + or -.
B. The Kingdom of Christ — the church — is different.
1. The history of humans is power struggles.
2. Another prophecy given to Belshazzar is coming. THE BACK PAGETHE IMPORTANCE OF OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECYBetween our Sunday night series with John Cooper on archaeology and the Old Testament, and our lessons on Sunday morning on Daniel we have been studying a lot of material on the Old Testament. Some might object to this much emphasis on the Old Testament, but in this day of erroneous religious teaching on TV, in books, and from denominational sources, it is important that we have some knowledge of what the Old Testament is all about. Galatians 3:24-25 gives us a comment about the law, and there are references to the Old Testament like Matthew 24:15 in our sermon today that make it important for us to know something about what is written in Daniel and other places. There are those who would tell us that what we read in today's prophecy and later in Chapter 7 to Belshazzar refer to modern times. We will study Daniel 7 and 8 at a later date, but just as some try to turn Revelation into a discussion of Russia, China, and Iraq; so too do people try to turn Nebuchadnezzar's dream into a world war yet to come. We have the advantage today of knowing what the history of the ancient world is all about. We know about Nebuchadnezzar, and we understand the kingdoms that arose after his death. We also have archaeological evidence to confirm what the Bible says about what happened during these days and how it affected the history of Israel. You may wish to read Matthew 24:14-31 where Jesus makes reference to Daniel's reference to “the abomination of desolation” which is a clear reference to the desolation of Jerusalem and the Temple (Luke 21:20). If you do not know something of the history of the world at the time of Nebuchadnezzar and in the years up to the time of Christ, you can be lost in understanding the message of the New Testament and the second coming of Christ. Hang on — we will get to all of that in the future. — John Clayton Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |