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FAMILY NEWSPLANS FOR 2022: We have been talking about what to do with our services and classes. We need your feedback. We seem to be the only congregation in the area doing Wednesday night and Sunday night, and some of our brothers and sisters from other congregations do join us during those services. Here is an idea for you to respond to. How about restoring all of our classes starting January 9? On Sunday morning at 10:00 we would have a class in the fellowship room which would be a video by a brotherhood speaker or expert followed by discussion. We could enjoy coffee, etc., watch the video, and then discuss it. We would continue our Sunday night and Wednesday night classes as they are for a while. Let Karl, Bill, Richard, or John know what you think. CALL TREE: We have a call tree set up if weather gets so bad in Dowagiac that it is not safe for us to have classes or worship. A listing of who will call who is posted in the fellowship room and on the bulletin board in the lobby. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: There is an urgent meeting this coming Wednesday for the Food Bank. Richard needs to be at that meeting which has been called for 7:00. In place of Richard's class there will be another session of our Sunday night series with John on dealing with challenges to faith in God. TODAY'S LESSON
A. We live in an age of fake news and false claims.
I. TO THE SHEPHERDS — a cause of great joy
The Christmas story is not in Mark or John.
B. Much of what we see about Christmas is fake, but the real story is amazing.C. When you study it, Christmas is a great apologetic. A. These are Jews in an occupied country, who knew the prophecies about Jesus.
B. This is an angel thing directed at common people. 1. God cares about us common people.
C. We need to spread the good news too — factually. 2. They do not see a star. 3. They publicize the good news (Luke 2:17). A. A usurper, appointed by the Romans and worried.
B. Referred to Micah 5:1-2, note Bethlehem Ephrathah C. Needs to know the date of Jesus' birth to kill him. Politicians are desperate men and women.
A. Only the Jew Matthew records their visit.
1. Gentiles affected by the birth of Jesus.
2. How many were there? Bible does not say. B. They go to Jerusalem, Herod sends them to Bethlehem. They go to a house, not a manger (Luke 2:11).
C. The star was not a celestial star.
1. Shepherds and Herod did not see it. 2. The Shekhinah: Exodus 13:21; 24:17; 40:38; Ezekial 1:28 A. The birth of Jesus was 100% miracle — accept or reject it, but do not try to explain it.
V. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THE EVIDENCE? B. Jesus came to save ALL mankind — no racism. C. Prophecies are too numerous and precise to deny. Isaiah 7:14; 40:3; Micah 5:2; Hosea 11:1; Jeremiah 31:15
THE BACK PAGEDON'T LET CHRISTMAS DAMAGE YOUR FAITHThat title may seem strange to you when know that Christmas items are all around us. The fact is that Satan uses Christmas in a variety of ways to weaken us. It is not the usual atheistic articles and news commentaries that do this. Satan is far smarter than to just spout anti-Christian verbiage. Satan attacks us by offering enticements to seek things instead of anything spiritual. Materialism is an opponent of faith, and our cultures' emphasis on what we get rather than the love we share degrades our faith. This has led to the month of December being a make or break time for many businesses. I have friends who tell me their entire profit for the year is produced in the time we are in right now. Christmas can also be a time when the troubles of the last year spill over, especially troubles involving relationships. This hit me personally as I unpacked our Christmas decorations and came across my son Tim's old stocking. Christmas was his favorite time of year. He could smell the candles, taste the cookies, hear the Christmas music, and sense the presence of people who cared for him. Some of us lost family members this past year, and with COVID that loss has been catalyzed. Matthew 25:34-40 finds Jesus telling us what we should be about as Christians. Everyone listed in these verses is a challenge for us. We see people without food, clean water, and warm clothes on our TV sets. I am deluged with letters from prisoners in our correspondence courses telling heart breaking stories about wanting to be home for Christmas. Spend some time in Matthew 6:24-34 and rejoice that we can meet together and encourage one another. Thank God we can learn and grow and be encouraged and find answers to Satan's challenges, and together that we can make this a time of good things and good memories. Have a great Christmas holiday and let us make this year a faith growing Christmas. Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |