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FAMILY NEWSTIMBERS: Last Sunday Bill and Patty made soup for us and we conducted services at Timbers nursing home. Our thanks to all who showed up and helped. One of the residents was in tears at being able to participate in the Lord's Supper, and we had a good crowd. Mark March 6 as our next service at Timbers. Please join us. FOOD PANTRY: We had twice as many families come for food this past Monday as we had last month. There were 14 families, 59 individuals, this month that were served. Our thanks to everyone working with that ministry. NEW OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Last week we shared with you that Della Bundle has opened another door for us. Look at last Sunday's bulletin for more on this project. Julie Marcussen is heading up this project because of her experience in making blankets in the past. If you are willing to help, please let her know. REMEMBER OUR CLASSES: Old Testament history on Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M. Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M. we are having a survey of the New Testament. On Sunday night at 6:00 P.M., we are studying skepticism, atheism, and how to answer the challenges people raise about our faith in Christ. These classes help us grow in our knowledge of God's word and help with our faith questions! TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Matthew 5:21-6:34
A. Managing life — instructions from God
I. ANGER — Matthew 5:21-22; James 1:19-20, 26
B. A continuation of last week A. “Raca” — calling names in resentment
II. LUST — Matthew 5:27-30 — “If I could, I would.”
B. “Thou fool,” “Moros” — person is of no value. C. Learn to think before speaking. Ask God’s help. A. Jeremiah 3:6-10 — adultery: breaking of a covenant — a whole nation can commit adultery.
III. DIVORCE — Matthew 5:31-32; 1 Corinthians 7:12-17
B. 2 Timothy 2:9 — Learning to help one another Breaking of a covenant is adultery —
IV. OATHS — Matthew 5:33-37; 26:72-74 (Peter) — Not the signing of an agreementporn, abuse, abandonment, etc., not just sexual infidelity. V. RETALIATION — Matthew 5:38-42 — What does it gain? VI. ENEMIES — Matthew 5:43-48 — What did Jesus do? A. Nicodemus — John 3:2; 7:50; 19:38-42
VII. GIVING — Matthew 6:1-4; 25:31-40: Luke 6:38
B. Being “perfect” (complete — no enemies) A. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 — not a way of exploitation
VIII. PRAYER — Matthew 6:5-14; James 4:1 — talking to God as a close friend —
B. Not just money — a heart for the hurting SONG: “I Come to the Garden Alone”
IX. FASTING — Matthew 6:16-18 — only to help youX. MATERIALISM — Matthew 6:19-24; 1 Timothy 6:6-10 — what really matters in life? XI. ANXIETY — Matthew 6:25-34 A. “Worry” is not in the original Greek.
XII. HOW DO WE FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF JESUS?B. Matthew 6:25 “Meri” — to be over anxious 1. Matthew 10:19; Luke 12:25 — Other uses
2. Do we trust God? — Remember 1/1/2000 — Y2K THE BACK PAGETHE AMAZING WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST, Part 2Let me encourage you to read last Sunday's bulletin, because today continues our discussion of the book of Matthew with a look at God's instructions for life. There is no heavy theological approach made in the words of Jesus. Jesus is laying out a blueprint for successful living. The big issue when you read Matthew 5 – 7 or the parallel passage in Luke is not in understanding what Jesus is calling us to do, but in actually doing it. This is very much like a New Year's resolution; we know what we should do and we might even desire to do it, but how do we do it? Let me suggest some things to you:
Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |