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FAMILY NEWSTONIGHT'S CLASS: One of the major challenges of skeptics and atheists is why if there is a God, there is so much suffering, disease, and loss in the world. If God is God, why does he n0t stop it, and especially why does he not stop our personal pain and loss. This is an important question for all of us to understand, and while no one has all the answers, there are answers. Be here at 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING CLASS is currently going over the book of John. You are missing a lot if you are not a part of this class. It is different because we are not doing a verse by verse study, but rather getting an understanding of the book, its author and why it is in the Bible. This is not a lecture or a sermon; but a discussion based on a video series and a lot of good points are being made. Join us at 10:00 A.M. next Sunday. WEDNESDAY NIGHT we are studying the history of the kings of Israel. Richard Hoyt is leading us through a detailed discussion of the good and the bad, and we are learning a lot about the structure of the book of Kings and Chronicles. We are told that the Old Testament was a school master for the New, and we are seeing that in this class. Be here at 7:00 P.M. Wednesday. TODAY'S LESSON
A. People have not been taught.
B. People have seen hypocrisy in religion. C. People do not see the importance of faith. D. What kind of faith do you have? A. This is acceptance, not faith.
1. “It is a small price to pay for peace at home.”
2. Going to church is like paying taxes. 3. Does no more than promote the status quo. A. Emotionalism — stampeded into response
1. A technique of some preachers
B. Feelings produce ignorance and instability.
2. Psalms 10:1; 13:1 — Times of trouble afflict A. Based on God's creation and God's Word
1. Romans 1:20
B. Know why you believe what you believe.
2. Psalm 19:1 3. Psalm 139:14 4. Proverbs 8 1 Peter 3:15 — Requires some work A. Acts 17:16-31 — America worships an unknown God.
B. Mark 9:22-24 — “I believe, help my unbelief.” C. Compare John 11:16; 20:24-29 & 27-29. A. Proverbs 8:1-11; 22-31 B. Matthew 6:26-30 C. Romans 1:18, 25 VI. GOD'S PLAN OF SALVATION REQUIRES A THINKING RESPONSE, not an emotional or inherited answer.
A. “Isn't it about time … ?” inherited obedience
B. Acts 2:40 “Save yourselves” C. Acts 26:28 — “Almost you persuade me to be … ” D. Joshua 24:15 THE BACK PAGEWHAT VALUE IS FAITH?On Sunday nights and in our lesson this morning we have been talking about why we believe. Each of us has to decide what we will do with what God has led us to. I remember giving my lecture series at Purdue and having a young man come up to me and tell me he could not argue with any of the evidence I had presented. He meant it as a complement, but teared up when I asked him what he was going to do with it. He said, “I am going to put it out of my thinking because I don't want to quit the way I am living.” Is that not the way a lot of us are? In Deuteronomy 31:20 God says about Israel, “I have brought them into a land which I swore to their fathers, that flowed with milk and honey and they have eaten and filled themselves and grown fat. Then they turn to other gods and serve them, and provoke me and break my covenant.” In Deuteronomy 32:16-21 we actually see this happening, and it is happening in America today. In Matthew 17 Jesus compares faith with the mustard seed saying that we can move mountains if we have faith. There are things that have happened in my life that even people in my family do not believe were possible. If you do not have faith it is amazing what you do not try. Even more amazing is what God makes happen from the smallest of efforts. In Mark 4:36-41 we have the story of a storm that is swamping the boat Jesus is in, and he is asleep. He quiets the sea by command and his disciples were afraid. Jesus says “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Faith drives out fear. The history of the church is full of people who did things that most of us would be afraid to try. In some cases they actually died for their faith. That is not a bad thing. We have incredible promises from Jesus if our faith results in losing our lives. Faith is everything. Without it we are like everyone else, and we are called to be different. We all have faith in something. What is the basis of your faith and in what? Our sign by the street! Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |