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FAMILY NEWSCRAZY JULY: July 13 – 23 may be the busiest 10 days this congregation has ever seen. Put these dates on your calendar and save them so you can help us reach out to the community:
SHULTS-LEWIS CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES is asking us for help. June 25 is a day of prayer for their work, and on July 23 they will pick up pantry items we donate — microwave popcorn, Goldfish® crackers and Pringles® chips. They are also asking anyone using the change cans to bring them by that date. Their annual day/open house will be Sept. 16. This is a great work which we have been supporting for many years. See the bulletin board for more information. FIREWORKS AT GIBSONS, SATURDAY, JULY 1: One of the traditions we have had is a special 4th of July celebration with a cookout and fireworks at Gibsons. Everyone is welcome to come to Gibsons for a cookout at 6:00 P.M. and fireworks at “dark-o-clock.” OUR FOOD PANTRY was conducted Monday, June 5. We had 32 cars with 74 people that we supplied with food. Our thanks those who work so hard to make this great service happen. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION — Our biggest battle is with our mind. A. We tend to allow the world to take our time, energy.
What is important to you — a person, a political party, a family member? B. A big battle is with our mind — Romans 7:22-25.
1. Becoming a Christian did not remove the thorns,
and knowing the past can mess with our mind.
2. Look at Romans 8:1-4 — How are we different?C. Psalm 131:1-3 — A song of a man at peace.
We as Christians should have better mindsets than
D. Our Wednesday night class is about mental health,
and three states of mind are needed by us all. A. Matthew 18:1-3 — What do kids worry about?
B. What is in our mind when we talk about others? Philippians 2:1-5 — READ
C. How does our mental state affect others?D. 1 Peter 5:5-7 — How do you clothe with humility? How significant are we in the total picture?
E. Can you sing this SONG: “Peace, Perfect Peace”?F. Andre Crouch's song “Through it all” — how? A. How much of Jesus' teaching is about peace?
1. Read Matthew 6:19-34.
B. Philippians 4:6-7 — Do you have the peace of God?
2. Be like the child of Matthew 18:1-3. Philippians 6:11-13 — Peace is something you learn. A. Look again at Psalm 131 — like a weaned child.
B. 1 Peter 1:3-5 — What is “living hope”? What is it like to die without hope?
C. Let us sing this SONG: “Whispering Hope”D. Romans 8:23-28 — God's Spirit helps us hope. 1. What do you hope for? Look at Matthew 6:19-34 again.
Is it wealth, security, health, fame?
2. Let us sing this SONG: “My Hope Is Build on Nothing Less”
THE BACK PAGEMENTAL HEALTH AND MINDSETIf you have not been able to be in our Wednesday night class on mental health, you have missed a lot. Not only has God's Spirit opened the teachings of Jesus to us as we have looked at what Jesus said, but also as Christians in the first century applied the teachings of Christ to their lives we have seen similarities to our own lives. It has been meaningful to listen as members of the class have opened their life stories and shown how God has enabled them to survive things that can cause mental stress. Individual battles have been laid out before us as we have shared things that have been a part of our past. Many of us have gone through a divorce. Some of us have had parental problems. Virtually all of us have had to deal with the death of a loved one. Being able to open up to people who care about us is a need we all have. James 5:13-16 describes the mindset that we should have as Christians. An unfortunate attitude that has come from the world and affected the church is that we have to be afraid that admitting our weaknesses and/or mistakes makes us less fit. That mindset comes right out of evolutionary theory and survival of the fittest. If I admit to you that I have sinned or failed then I may be considered less fit is in the mind of many. In 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul says “… Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners — of whom I am the worst.” The reason I love Romans 7:14-24 is because Paul admits his struggle, the same struggle that I have. He then goes on in Romans 8:1-2 to say that even his struggles do not condemn him. His mindset is that God has enough grace to cover even his struggle. Read 1 Timothy 4:6-8. You cannot look at the life of Paul and not be encouraged. You need to believe what the Bible says about God and have a positive mindset that no matter what happens to you in this life, God has promised you a better existence when this life is over. What a great help to having good mental health! Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |