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FAMILY NEWSPOTLUCK AND TIMBERS TODAY: Please plan to stay for potluck today, whether you brought something or not. We always have extra food and we need time together. At 2:00 P.M. we will have a worship service (devotional) at Timbers nursing home, and we need singers, greeters, and wheelchair pushers. Please help! Be there at 1:45 P.M. FOOD BANK TOMORROW: If you can help with this effort to provide food for hungry people in our community, see Richard Hoyt to know how you might help. This is a late afternoon project from roughly 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY “TRICK OR TREAT”: Our thanks to Tracey Brewer, who has been able to find a spot near where Leon and Lisa used to live where we can set up a booth for the Dowagiac “Trick or Treat” evening on October 31. Last year some 500 children came through that location, and the real plus is that we can include literature with our “treat” and put up a banner announcing who we are. We have not been allowed to do that in other projects, so this is a real plus. More on this later, but thanks to Tracey for getting this set up. SINGING HERE IN NOVEMBER: We are planning an areawide singing here November 12 at 2:30 P.M. with light snacks and fellowship afterwards. Please put that on your calendar. We will need you here! TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: There are many things in the Old Testament (types) that give a picture and prophesy about Jesus and the church (antitype). Let us look at one and learn from it to strengthen our faith in the Bible. Our Wednesday night class on Hebrews is strongly connected to this lesson: nine types and their antitypes. 1. The high priest was set apart — Leviticus 21:10-11.
WHY DO YOU THINK THIS TYPE/ANTITYPE EXISTS?Jesus was set apart — Hebrews 7:26.
2. The high priest represented the people before God — Exodus 28:1-3, 29-30.
Jesus appears for us in God’s presence —
Hebrews 9:24.
3. The high priest bore the iniquity of the people — Numbers 18:1.
Jesus bore our sins — 1 Peter 2:24.
4. The priesthood was perpetual — Exodus 29:9.
Jesus is a high priest forever — Hebrews 6:20.
5. The high priest was a mediator — Leviticus 16:17.
Jesus is our mediator — Hebrews 4:14-16.
6. The high priest offered sacrifices for the sins of the people — Hebrews 9:7.
Christ was our sacrifice once and forever — Hebrews 9:26.
7. The high priest was chosen by God — Hebrews 5:1.
Jesus was chosen to be a high priest — Hebrews 5:5-6.
8. The high priest’s garments were for glory, etc. — Ex0dus 28:2.
Jesus was made to show his glory — John 1:14.
9. The high priest was cleansed for his office — Exodus 29:4-7.
God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power — Acts 10:38.
A. Skeptics say it is accidental. Why are there many?
B. What does the Bible say? Galatians 3:24; Hebrews 12:1-3; Romans 1:20; 2 Timothy 3:16 C. What do we do with the Bible? 1. Read it and drop it?
D. Type/Antitype is a way to build our faith.2. Let it change us — Romans 6:4 to a “new life.” THE BACK PAGEDO NOT BELIEVE EVERY SPIRITDear friends do not believe every utterance, We live in an age of scams and false promises. We also live in an age when telling a lie is just a joke and is not condemned or acted upon. Most telephone solicitations and most claims made on the Web are scams. My son-in-law died because he believed a scam which told him that marijuana could cure cancer. The point is that some scams can kill you, and some can make you poor. We have learned that time-shares can make you poor and that lying about a timeshare is accepted as part of the business. Christians need to understand that scams are a tool of Satan and they have always been around beginning with the temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden. In Acts 8:9-11 we see a man named Simon who people had been convinced “had the great power of God” (Acts 8:10). In Acts 19:13-14 we read about seven sons of the priests who were claiming to do exorcisms. Religious scams were then and are now a common occurrence. 1 John 4:2-3 gives advice on how to identify scams. If the promiser does not demonstrate that they acknowledge that Jesus has come from God in the flesh, they are a part of the antichrist (1 John 4:3). In Jesus' time and in today's world the spirit of the antichrist dominates much of the world in which we live. Christians are not to be gullible in any part of their lives. This is true of religion as well as the market place. TV evangelists are frequently driven by the “spirit of the antichrist.” Many of our politicians are controlled by that same spirit. Do not donate to a cause you have not tested. One part of that is to see the actual fruit of what they do. Do they live in a way that speaks of personal use of donated funds, or do you see them supporting people in need? What they claim and what their lifestyle shows may be two very different things. Try every Spirit. Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |