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FAMILY NEWSCHURCH BUSINESS: The Gibsons are on vacation. If you need a check or have other legal issues, see Karl Marcussen. The parking lot has been prepared by Richard and will be sealed sometime soon. Please do not leave vehicles in the lot. Our thanks to Richard for cleaning out the cracks — we had some big ones that need to be filled before winter gets here. Thanks to Cindy Clayton for caring for the roses around our building and to Julie Marcussen for her help. COMMUNITY “TRICK OR TREAT”: Tracey Brewer has been able to find a spot near where Leon and Lisa used to live where we will set up a booth for the Dowagiac “Trick or Treat” evening on October 31. If you are willing to donate candy, wear a costume, or help with the booth, see Tracey. REMEMBER OUR SINGING HERE NOV 12: Flyers are available. Help get the message out to brothers and sisters in areas within driving distance of us. We do plan to have finger foods after the singing and a time of fellowship and sharing. NAVIGATING THE STORMS OF LIFE by Widowhood Workshop Ministry will be Nov. 3-5 in Waterford, Michigan. See John Clayton if you want more information. TODAY'S LESSON
INTRODUCTION: Isaiah 55:1-2 — The Bible teaches that money can do many things, but not everything. It is the number 1 cause of divorce in America. We need to understand the biblical teachings about money. I. MONEY CANNOT BUY EVERYTHING — Isaiah 55:1-2 A. It cannot buy personal satisfaction.
B. It cannot buy spiritual satisfaction. 1. Acts 8:18-20 — God's gifts are not for sale.
2. God gives the most important things freely. 3. Why are there suicides among the rich? A. Luke 16:9-15 — Notice the message and response.
1. The world sneers at God's teaching about money.
B. Pay what you owe including taxes — Matthew 22:20-21.
2. Using money to help others produces friends. 3. Using money to win others to Christ counts. 4. Using money to build up the Kingdom counts. 1. Romans 13:1-10 — Be a good citizen.
C. Be a peacemaker in finances — Matthew 5:23-26.
2. John Quick's story 3. Credit cards need to be a positive witness. 4. Pay tips where it is appropriate. Count the cost of what you do — Luke 14:31.
D. Our Food Bank costs need to be understood. A. 1 Timothy 6:10 — The LOVE of money is the root of evil.
1. What you do or allow it to do is what counts.
B. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 — If you cannot give cheerfully — DON'T!
2. It can be a mighty power for good — Matthew 25:14-30. Understand the parable of the talents.
Understand that giving is a form of worship.
C. Luke 16:13 — Who is your master, your true love?
1. 2 Corinthians 8:1-6, especially 2 Corinthians. 8:5.
D. Who do you serve?2. Your Lord or your money (things)? 3. What brings you the greatest happiness? THE BACK PAGETHE FUTURE OF OUR WORK AND MONEYThis past Food Bank service to the community was an omen of the future. As we reported last Sunday, we had to put up a sign at 5:00 saying “Out of Food.” That is the first time that has happened, but it is probably not the last. When you feed 126 people, the demands are very large. On top of that the place where we buy food at a very discounted rate has closed because they cannot afford to make changes the government demands to keep in operation. What that means is we will have to spend more money to buy the food we distribute to those who come to us needing food. Restocking our pantry will cost over $1000 each time we do it. One thing we want everyone to understand is that we have no financial problems right now as a congregation. No one is paid a salary for anything we do. We do not have a custodian; our teachers are not paid; and the preacher is not paid unless it is someone that is not a member here. One hundred percent of the money you contribute to the church goes for mission work, maintenance of our building, printing and mailing expenses, and benevolence (benevolence is our single most expensive item). Several years ago we set up a savings fund to be able to hire a full time preacher when we have no one among us who is willing or physically able to do our speaking. You need to understand that even if we had the money, finding a family willing to step into that role is extremely unlikely. Preacher training schools and Christian universities are simply not producing very many who are willing to step into the role of the preacher, and those that do are in demand in the Bible Belt, not in a mission field. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Preachers have caused much division in the church in recent years, and the church described in the Bible did not depend upon preachers. We need to pray for guidance and be willing to be involved in doing God’s will individually and collectively. Give this some thought and let us talk about it. Our sign by the street! Sign saying from www.sayingsforchurchsigns.com. Scripture links/references are from BibleGateway.com. Unhighlighted scriptures can be looked up at their website. www.dowagiaccoc.org |